Hatch Tribe

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5 Tips for Time Management


School is out for summer and since I am just starting my first entrepreneurial journey I will be working from home with three kids running around. This summer I’m really going to have to focus my efforts to launch my business and still have time and energy to enjoy being with my kids. So I asked my tribe for some organizational and time management tips and tricks they use to get it all done with a few more distractions around.


Q. As we wrap up another beautiful weekend in Charleston and I start prepping for my first week of working with the kids home for summer. What is your #1 piece of advice/tip for time management?


Shama Patel / CEO of AIR®, airfitnow.com Mud, mudfacialbar.com Floor Lab, floorlabbarre.com

“I've always used my ical instead of a to-do list and write for e.g. "fed ex @ 6P," "review X docs @ 7P" so you're forced to complete those tasks at specific times and not put them off until the next day.”


Cathy Wylly Leeke / John Maxwell Company  www.johnmaxwell.com

“Read the book - Getting Things Done: A Guide to Stress Free Productivity. Been doing GTD at work and at home for over 10 years. High production. Low stress.”


Caroline Staley, Gallavantor Art https://www.facebook.com/TheGallavantor/

“Workout first thing in the morning or you never will! I try and work 1/2 days. So we either go somewhere the first half of the day, then I come back and work while they either play in or outside or I let them laze for the first 1/2 of the day and after lunch we go do something.”


Molly Griggs / Founder, Speaker, Leader of Your Deepest Yes https://www.yourdeepestyes.com/

“A relatively regular schedule is a life-saver. Build in time to work where the kids know that they can't ask a million questions. Whether it is quiet time or movie time or just leave me the hell alone time, having a schedule that they can learn that includes mommy working time is essential.

Also, give yourself permission to blow it off sometimes and go to the pool or beach. Self care is so important when you are doing it all - and sometimes that includes just blowing the joint and having some summer fun.”


Emily Cassel / Emily Cassell Life Coach www.emilycassel.com

“Make a list for the WEEK versus daily to allow for more spaciousness and flexibility in the way you go about taking action. This allows for more inspired action and more play, and allows you to fire up your feminine genius of devotion versus commitment which has us draw on our masculine energy. It will also allow you to be more creative and find ways to make everything much more fun and ride the way of what feels most in flow/ease-ful for you that day.”