Meet the Tribe - Megan Rome


Each week we bring you the story of one incredible entrepreneur who can be found inside the Hatch Tribe COLLECTIVE. Today we’re excited to introduce Megan Rome of Rome Physical Therapy in Charleston, SC.

What is your business and how did it come to be?

My business is a unique Women's Health Physical Therapy clinic. I started my own private practice after quickly realizing how much good can be done by doing it yourself. I quickly realized how insurance companies limit the amount of visits, time spent, and treatment given to women based on what particular coverage they have. 


I decided to create a boutique style approach where the patient and physical therapist work together to set goals and achieve them! By  doing so, the patient has the freedom to decide the type of care she may need. I treat many issues including Post-Operative Breast Cancer care, Lymphedema, Pregnancy, Postpartum, Bladder Leakage, Pelvic Pain, Pain with sex, Prolapse, Low Back Pain, Core Strengthening and many more. Basically, if you are a female having pain below your belly button and above your thighs, I can try and help! And YES, there are many options besides surgery and medications that may or may not work! 


My main focus is helping with pregnancy and postpartum care to prevent issues before, during or after birth. I am also one of the only Breath Cancer physical therapy in the lowcountry! I am furthering my knowledge on pelvic pain as I have a direct understanding with the issue as does my mother. She is actually a reason why I got into Women's Health.


My mom had pelvic pain issues and was sent from doctor to doctor where they finally wrote a referral to see a pelvic health physical therapy specialist. I was so excited but I found out that all they were doing was applying heat and electrical stimulation to her back to basically fix the "right now" as opposed to finding what the source of the pain was.


I thought to myself that this is not how it should be and this is not how we should receive treatment. The physical therapist  was so busy with 3 patients within one hour that the only thing she could do was just slap some heat on my moms back and move on. So, I created my own style for women's health physical therapy where it is direct one-on-one care where we are problem solving together! I absolutely love helping women in Charleston, SC to improve their overall health and wellbeing!

What’s the hardest thing about being your own boss? 

The hardest thing about being my own boss is staying focused and positive. It is easy to get in your own head and feel like you're not good enough or will never make it. Some days, I just want to shut my brain off and have a normal 9-5 job but then I wouldn't be able to help women in need of help!


What’s the best part about being your own boss? 

I love having flexibility with my schedule. I make my own rules. I can treat patients exactly how I would want to be treated. I have no hard limits while providing services to patient care. I surround myself with other entrepreneurs and have an awesome tribe.

How do you balance your personal life with your business? 

I have great family support but also use a lot of time schedulers at this current moment to do my emailing and social media posts! I think this may end up being the hardest thing to do but I know my family sees how excited I get with all of my new ideas that they are involved as well! Also, some of my business is my personal life. I find myself often educating on Pelvic Health issues just because I love it. Even when they aren't patients!


How do you take care of your mind, body, and spirit? 

I do a lot of inner body breath work and am beginning to practice meditation which takes care of all 3. I also work out doing barre many times a week which is one of my favorite forms of exercise. I am a Physical Therapist so I have the capability to create any exercises depending on what my body is telling me I need. Audiobooks recommended by the tribe  are slowly becoming part of my weekly schedule to increase motivation and improve my mind!


How do you keep yourself accountable? 

I set goals each month that I hope are achievable. I also have a few accountability partners within Hatch Tribe that keep me in line! I struggle with keeping myself accountable but I don't know what I'd do without my phone/calendar to remind me of what needs to be done!

How do you handle those moments of self-doubt and fear? 

I try to close it all off for a second and go do something I enjoy. Then, I come back to it later with a whole different mindset. Also, I reach out to my Hatch Tribe accountability partner who helps pull me out of self-doubt!

How has a so-called failure actually set you up for future success? 

I am still so new but many of my failed moments of converting potential patients into actual patients was a huge learning curve. Learning how to listen vs sell. And trust me, I am still learning!

What books are you digging right now? 

Girl, Stop Apologizing by Rachel Hollis. 

You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero 

How to Get Shit Done by Erin Falconer

Who is one woman you admire and what do you adore about her?

I admire one of my professors Dr. Karen Littos who is a strong, passionate and wise woman who empowers women to be the best they can be!

What is one quote or motto you live by? 

"The empowered woman is powerful beyond measure and beautiful beyond description."

What does the world need more of? 

Education, Love, and Open minds

What is the best advice you’ve ever received as a business owner?

Best advice was to get over my issues and be grateful, look for the good, and LEARN!


To connect with Megan Rome join us in the Hatch Tribe Collective

You can also find her at:




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