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3 Questions to Ask A Business Coach (+20 Tips)

I have no doubt that you have questions about what to do IN or WITH your business.

Every business owner does. 

But that doesn’t mean getting the answers to your questions is always straightforward. 

You can Google it, but the answers may have been written by artificial intelligence (no joke)!

You can ask friends, but unless they have firsthand experience their advice often comes up short.

You can even ask other business owners, which I do recommend, but sometimes other business owners can project their own experiences (and FEAR) onto yours.

That’s why working with a business coach can be such a game changer!

When you’re working with an experienced and reputable business coach, you get informed and unbiased answers to your questions.

And that can (literally) change YOU and YOUR BUSINESS for the better.

Today I’m sharing 3 questions that you should ask your business coach, plus 20 different aspects of your business you should be examining, because the answers to these could change everything!

3 Questions to Ask Your Business Coach

How Can I Make More Money?

I have no doubt that making money isn’t the only reason you do your work. 

But if you could make more money without it dramatically impacting the enjoyment of your life, why wouldn’t you?!

Making more money isn’t just about selling more, so when I’m working with a client to help them MAKE MORE MONEY, we’re looking at all of this…

  • Revenue: Are you maximizing the opportunities to generate more sales for your business?

  • Products/Services: Are you driving sales on the most profitable or in-demand products and services?

  • Pricing: Are you selling at the right price or are you leaving money on the table?

  • Sales: Are you actually focusing on sales or just hoping clients land in your lap?

  • Marketing: Are you actively building your brand awareness & driving interest in your business?

  • Expenses: Are you spending money on stupid shit that’s eating up your profits?

  • Profits: Do you actually look at your finances and understand how money is made in your business?

How Can I Make *This* Easier?

Is running a business easy? NO. Can it be easier? YES.

If you’re constantly feeling burnt out, overwhelmed, and BUSY AF, it’s a good sign your business is not functioning optimally.

Your business can run like a well oiled machine!!!! But it requires you to slow down enough to see where the ineffectiveness and inefficiencies are. 

  • You: Are you doing the work that lands in your “zone of genius” or are you still trying to do all the things?

  • People: Are there other people on the bus with you? And are they sitting in the right seats?

  • Processes: Are there things you do that just feel clunky or really inefficient?

  • Systems: Are you using outdated software or tools that make it harder to do you job?

  • Delegation: Are you effectively delegating and giving feedback to your team? Or do you just take it back and do it all yourself?

  • Leadership: Do you know your strengths and weaknesses and really own it? Or are you still playing small?

How Can I Enjoy My Business More?

There is nothing in life that is 100% pure joy and happiness at all times. Not family, not kids, not friends, not pets…and not work.

But if you’re not enjoying (or loving) your business, why the hell are you doing it?

You can make money doing just about anything, so if your business isn’t lighting you the F up, it might be time to reconsider some of your choices!

  • Clients: Are your client relationships mutually joyful & beneficial or do you feel like your clients call all the shots?

  • Team: Are you surrounding yourself with people who are committed to the bigger vision or does it feel like a battle to get them on board?

  • Boundaries: Are you setting clear boundaries with your clients & team to protect your own energy so you can deliver your best work?

  • Time Away: Are you actually disconnecting from work every day & week, or are you basically intravenously tapped in at all times?

  • Living Life: Do you find joy and excitement in your life, outside of work, or have all of your other dreams faded away?

  • Joy: Do you feel joy on a regular basis both IN and OUTSIDE of your business?

  • Purpose: Do you feel deeply connected to the work you’re doing or is it feeling like a J.O.B. now?

Want to ask me questions about your business?

I’d love to help you find clarity about whatever is in your heart & mind. 

Book a Business Coaching Clarity Call!

During this 1-hour live coaching session, we’ll explore whatever challenges or questions are on your mind, and we’ll begin to dial in real solutions to help you move forward.

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