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Are You Actually Enjoying Your Business?

I've got a question for you, CEO!

  •  Do you experience JOY working in your business? 

  •  Do you LOVE the things you get to work on each day? 

  •  Do you find it FUN to work toward your big vision?

Hmmm...I sense some folks are scratching  their heads right now and thinking...

"What the hell is she talking about? This isn't FUN! This is HARD work. This $hit  SUCKS sometimes. But sure, I mean...it's ok."

And I hear you. There ARE times that running a business sucks. BUT if that's the NORM, and not the EXCEPTION, why the hell are you doing it?

I ask this SINCERELY. 

Why would you continue to CHOOSE to do something that you don't like? Or even worse, why keep doing it if you're living in a constant state of stress, overwhelm, and utter distaste for what you do day-in and day-out? 

Running your business CAN be joyful. It can be one of the most rewarding things you do, well beyond the finances of it. But it's going to take you doing some things different to experience that kind of joy.

As they say... "You can't keep doing the same things and expecting different results." And boy-oh-boy is this true in business!

So if you're FEELING like something's got to change in your business, listen up. 

Sometimes DOES need to change if you want to build a business that's both JOYFUL + SUSTAINABLE! 

This is part of what you'll learn HOW to do in the CEO Society Mastermind. And enrollment for the 2023 season is opening soon!

So if you're ready for a change....and ready to build a SUSTAINABLE business that you'll love being part of... get on the waitlist.

Enrollment opens the first week of November and space is VERY limited, so be sure to look for my email next week.

Founder | CEO | Business Growth Coach

XO, Hilary P. Johnson

A few things of interest...

1.  Enrollment to the 2023 CEO Society Mastermind opens November 2nd. Get on the waitlist here.

2. I'm taking ONLY 2 more Business Growth Coaching clients this year. Interested in working with me? Learn more here.

3. If you'd like to develop a true passive income stream, I recommend checking this out. I have personally been using this method to generate passive income / wealth for over a year.

4. Looking for an awesome stand-up desk for your home office? Here are our top recos.