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Hatch Tribe Hero | Becky Mickletz

Each month we bring you a “Hatch Tribe Hero,” a woman who is rocking her business and building something with purpose. This month, we’re proud to present Becky Mickletz of Remickz Marketing.

What keeps you up at night?
Oh my goodness. What doesn’t?! Global warming, Fyre Festival, the ending of certain movies, outer space, how trees communicate...I'm always wanting to know the 'why' in different situations. Which is probably why I love brand development so damn much.

What ignited the spark in you to start your business?
The first real "ah-ha" moment I had was when I worked South by Southwest in Austin, TX with a branding company. I realized how much storytelling in an event space clicked for me. And better yet, how much of an impact it had on the attendees and their memories of the event itself. Bringing brands to life and making it more of an experience got my blood pumping.

What personality trait are you most proud of?
I would consider myself a chameleon. I have been able to adapt in various cities with diverse crowds and learn about its culture / community. Taking deep dives is part of why I love what I do. This has greatly filtered into my business as no two brands are the same.

In one word characterize your life as an entrepreneur. #TallOrder

What is the best advice you’ve ever received
The first mentor I had was actually a photographer I interviewed for a school project. His name is Jerry de Wilde and he worked heavily with music in the sixties, I highly advise checking out his work. I spoke with him when I was deciding if I should take a leap of faith and move to California with no job. His advice was very Yoda-like but was the best thing he could have said. “Come on out, the water is fine.” And he was right!

What sacrifices have you made to be a successful entrepreneur?
Financially it's all me. That means I've had to say no to certain trips or outings with friends from time to time in order to save appropriately. There are some times I work weekends when I would rather do nothing but I have made more of an effort to avoid having to do that.

What advice would you give to your younger self?
FOR THE LOVE OF GOD CHILL OUT, GIRL. I was the epitome of a worry wart when I graduated college. I was always thinking about the future rather than noticing what was right in front of me. Looking every job, every connection has really served their purpose for me and where I'm at. Even when I was down, it always worked out as it should which sounds incredibly cheesy but that's fine because my younger self liked cheese too.

Where do you find inspiration?
Concert posters have always drawn me in. They often require strategic typography (aka a lot of info in a little space) and I like that challenge. Plus you are forced to tell a little bit of a story in one single frame. Aside from music, Monty Python has always inspired me. The mixed media, hidden messages and wit are my kind of cup of whiskey.

How do you handle fear?
Surprisingly well! Don't get me wrong I definitely have imposter syndrome from time to time, which usually stems from too much time on social media. So I simply take a break from Instagram scrolling / comparing and do something that relaxes or inspires me instead. Like reading a book, putting on some good tunes, or chatting with a fellow entrepreneur friend about my plans. You can feel a bit lonely or misunderstood as a business owner sometimes, so having friends who understand these same fears and challenges is a game-changer.

What would you do with one extra hour in the day?
Take my dog for a hike in the mountains. Or a massage, could always use one of those.

What do you love to come home to?
In no particular order...my dog, my boyfriend, my snacks, my puzzles, my wine, my candles.

Name a women entrepreneur past or present you admire, and tell us why.
Amy Poehler is such a badass. She has created thing that align with what bring her joy in her life. I think that it could be very easy to abuse your power when you are a celebrity and she has navigated with such class and care in her endeavors while being real in the process.

What would you say are the top 3 skills needed to be a successful business owner?
I think most skills can be learned with enough time. But in terms of characteristics or qualities, I would say you need patience, thick skin, and awareness. Awareness being a big one; you need it in terms of what others are doing in and out of your field, you need it for yourself to find what drives you but also what drains you.

What book has inspired you the most?
Damn this is tough. I have a ton of business related books that I love but philosophical books tend to inspire me more.

In your opinion, what does it take to be a great boss?
Empathy, thick skin, and good listening skills. One of the worst bosses I had truly thought her employees were robots that should be working overtime on very minimum wage. She didn't care about us as people let alone want to hear ideas we could implement into the company. They say to surround yourself with people who know more than you and can truly teach you, but when you don't create a community and team building energy, you've lost so much out of the gate.

What lessons did you learn from your best & worst boss?
I'll be honest, I have had a lot of bosses that the movies could write about. My worst boss, I learned how to say no when something doesn't align with you or your moral compass. It was during my time in the music industry when the owner suggested I dress sexier. Suddenly my talents didn't exist and while I thought I wanted to continue work in that field, it showed me that it was okay to say no and walk away from something that didn't offer me respect.

On the flipside, my best boss truly taught me that you should demand the best for yourself. This woman is what some would call a "bitch," with her full face of makeup, fake tan, long blonde hair (think Legally Blonde stereotype). But she was absolutely brilliant in the way she ran her company. It was my first branding job and during the time with her; I was quiet and lacked confidence. She was my first real female leader in my life and while we had pretty much nothing in common (sweatpants vs. high heels sort of dynamic) she showed me that as a female in a crazy industry that if someone was going to talk shit about you, to let them and stay your own course. People are always going to judge so just do what you know and do what is right and ignore everything else that doesn't agree with that.

When you’re not working, what is your favorite way to spend your free time?
Outside, hanging with my dog, checking out a concert, traveling to a new city, podcasts / reading.

About Becky Mickletz:

Becky Mickletz, founder of Remickz Marketing, specializes in brand design and experiential marketing. Originally from the exotic land of Pennsylvania, she spent six years in Los Angeles working with music and events, and now resides in Denver. With nearly a decade in event and brand development experience with companies such as Fast Company, Denver Design Week, and SXSW, Becky has developed a career to help companies find their unique voice and implement it into their marketing through design, branding and events. More recently she launched a workshop series called Now Featuring… to teach businesses of all sizes the must-know topics (social media, contracts, mental health, SEO, etc.) when it comes to their company.

With rock and roll running through her veins, she finds great inspiration from concert posters and the event activations.

To connect with Becky Mickletz & Remickz Marketing:


Instagram @remickz


Becky’s Now Featuring Workshop; Instagram @nowfeaturingworkshop

Just for the Tribe

Becky is offering a special for Hatch Tribe members for her November 2, 2019 workshop called Now Featuring.
Use the code HatchTribe at checkout to receive $25 off the ticket price. Tickets here.

all photos courtesy of Becky Mickletz