Hatch Tribe

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Meet the Tribe - Hope Caldwell

Each week we bring you the story of one incredible entrepreneur who can be found inside the Hatch Tribe COLLECTIVE. Today we’re excited to introduce Hope Caldwell of The KLH Group in Charleston, SC

What is your business and how did it come to be?  

KLH Group was born out of a need to inspire the event industry.   We exist to restore people to a full expression of humanness. In this very fast paced world we live in, KLH Group aims to ground people and allow them an opportunity to experience the unmistakable expression of grace.  

We are an event production company specializing in social impact events within the luxury event market. We provide meeting planners with expert local "on the ground" knowledge to assure all meeting objectives are met and their guests have an unparalleled experience.  

We believe by bringing socially responsible events and companies together, we achieve purposeful, meaningful experiences.

What’s the hardest thing about being your own boss? 

The hardest thing about being a boss is knowing the best decisions to make and when to make them. It's not easy without someone telling you when to pivot.  It's all on you. 

What’s the best part about being your own boss? 

Making big decisions for the company that are in line with my values.  I love it! Example: Offering maternity leave to my team members and giving 10% of net profit to deserving non-profit organizations. 

How do you balance your personal life with your business? 

Not well. I recently realized I didn’t really have a life outside of business and family.  I’m not working on getting a life and learning to balance. I’m not sure balance is ever really possible.  As a business owner someone is always needing you and it's impossible to be everything to everyone so someone is always getting less of you  whether it's your family or the business.  

How do you take care of your mind, body, and spirit?  

Meditation for sure. It’s a game changer.  I’m a much better human when I’ve mediated in the morning.  Eating right, getting sleep and yoga helps too. Oh, and my Mastermind Group is a game changer. 

How do you keep yourself accountable?  

My husband helps with that.  I’m so grateful I have a partner in life and in the business who knows when to hold me accountable when the going gets tough. 

How do you handle those moments of self-doubt and fear?  

Having the right support in place to ask for wisdom and letting them know what you need to hear is always helpful during times of self doubt.  I also use a few mantras for fear (ie. it’s the robber of joy).

What resources do you love that you think other business owners should know about? 

I am a big believer in the Dave Ramsey philosophy of money and thankfully am debt free because of it. Which has allowed me to make offensive decisions in the business.  

What book or podcast are you digging right now? 

Corporate Karma by Peggie Pelosi

What is one quote or motto you live by?  

At times, no joke, “Hakunah Matta”. Especially in the last few years, but it changes depending on the season of life I’m in. I often find a Bible verse and keep to that for wisdom and direction. 

What does the world need more of?  

People returning to their full expression of humanness

To connect with Hope Caldwell, join us in the Hatch Tribe Collective. You can also connect with her at:

Website:  www.klhgroup.co 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KLH-Group

Instagram Account:  https://www.instagram.com/klhgroup

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