Hatch Tribe

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A Mid-Year Goal Refresh

“I am so pumped for the rest of 2019!”

As business owners, we’d hope this thought is running through your head like all the time. We know it can be tough though. There are the to-do lists, the contracts and on-boarding, the finances and never ending emails and on and on.

According to a Business Insider report, 7% of the general population report suffering from depression, while 30% of founders report dealing with its effects, and more than 50% of those get to burnout. A huge part of avoiding becoming part of that statistic is looking at the big picture and having the support of community.

Hatch Tribe’s Inspire + Ignite Conference was the perfect chance to load up on all that support, inspiration, and goal-setting goodness.

This June in Charleston, South Carolina, a room full of powerful female entrepreneurs from a wide range of businesses and industries sat down together to set goals for the rest of the year, reflect on huge wins and big challenges, and listen to Dr. Ja’net Bishop‘s heartfelt keynote about resiliency as an entrepreneur and eight key strategies to thrive in life & business.

We started, like most days, with coffee! After diving into the mid-year reflection workshop and the Take Aim goal-setting workshop, every single woman stood up, took the mic, and shared one big goal for her year.

There is so much power in standing up and speaking your goal aloud. You have an amazing network of women supporting you. And you have the tools to get it done!

Now we’re about two months out from the Conference, so we’re checking back in with a few of the women who were there and getting updates on how they’re progressing toward their goals.

After all, this Harvard Business study shows that people who have goals are 10 times more successful than those without goals. And people with written goals are 3 times more successful than those with unwritten goals.

Stacie Barber, life + wellness coach

Goal: launch my business

“At the Inspire + Ignite conference I openly shared to the amazing group of women before me that I was no longer playing small and officially launching my coaching business.

I have been diligently working on going pro and have seen huge growth since this confirmation. I am consistently getting my message out on social media, I am reaching out to share availability to my tribe and am in the process of setting up a weekly newsletter/blog.

This conference was truly a gift and offered a beautiful platform in which I could claim my intentions and manifest my calling.”

Jennifer Grove, skincare consultant + yoga teacher

Goal: find a mentor

One of my goals was to find my personal path to follow and in doing so I wanted to find a mentor. At the conference I had already set up a second appointment with Hilary, and we delved a little deeper into what it was that I was going to need to inspire and ignite the passion and fire within me to begin moving forward in the journey I am seeking.

I have been working on this path with Hilary's suggestions and it has brought up creativity that I had been looking and longing for.

Jennifer Bellini, Moving Forward Health & Wellness

Goal: get a business coach

One of my goals was to hire a business coach to help support me, and get me moving in right direction. I hired Hilary Johnson as my business coach!!!

I was so excited and scared to make this commitment but I knew it was the right decision. We just got started together a couple of weeks ago, and while I have a ton of work ahead of me I am feeling very confident in my abilities to get my business ramped up. I have been working on my business framework and coaching packages. I know once I have this nailed down I will be well on my way to accomplishing my second goal: 10 clients by year-end!!!

Sara Gayle McConnel, Tradesman Brewing

Goal: foster accountability in my business

One of my goals from the conference was accountability. I left with some thoughts, and started to plan on how to implement them. Then around July 1st, my thoughts shifted. I stepped into my nursing brain and started to get mad that “I wasn’t asking for the moon and the stars, why couldn’t it be done? Why was it so hard?” I realized at that point that as I was struggling to control my work, I wasn’t completely in control of myself. I was expecting a work ethic from everyone based on me, not looking at each individual and really evaluating what they can do or should be doing. I was asking more of some than I should.

Lately, I have had some extremely humbling experiences. A lot of tears have been shed and a lot of soul searching has gone on. I realized at that moment that I needed to start changing and role model what I want. This is going to be extremely hard because it involves mentoring my partners, one of whom I am married to! So, I have tried to be very deliberate with partner meetings. I have implemented deadlines. I have not gotten upset as I have reminded individuals of the timelines. I have asked for input for all employee evaluations…

I have no doubt we will accomplish this goal. We are all in it together. I have seen some great results by not staying quiet and letting actions slide. Communication is the key. I know this and yet lost sight of it working in my business and not working on my business.

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