Meet the Tribe - Jennifer Spivak

Each week we bring you the story of an amazing entrepreneur who can be found inside the Hatch Tribe Collective. Today we’re excited to introduce Jennifer Spivak of #TEAMSPIVAK, an all-female Facebook & Instagram advertising agency based in Queens, NY.

Jennifer Spivak - The Facebook Ads Girl

What is your business and how did it come to be? 

I own an all-female Facebook & Instagram advertising agency! We help women entrepreneurs turn their ad campaigns into money-making machines, so they can live a life they love and change the world. My business was born after leaving another digital agency, where hustle culture and a “bro-marketing” approach to client campaigns stopped feeling aligned… so I sought out a better way.

What’s the best part about being your own boss?

Tracee Ellis Ross said it best in her speech at Glamour's 2017 Women of the Year Summit: “My life is mine.” To me, there’s nothing more fulfilling than total and complete autonomy and ownership. I get to decide who I hire, who we take on as a client, how I spend my time, how much money I make, what my lifestyle looks like, etc. It makes life feel that much juicier!

How do you balance your personal life with your business?

I don’t :) I just design my business to be a perfect fit and natural extension of my personal life. The two blend together seamlessly, without me ever feeling drained or burned out. 

Jennifer Spivak - Facebook Advertising

How do you take care of your mind, body, and spirit?

I’m a total personal development junkie! I’ve reinvested a rather large percentage of what I pay myself, towards the multi-person team that keeps me physically, emotionally, and energetically aligned: a hypnotherapist, a nutrition coach, a spiritual coach, mindset coaches, and a relationship coach, to name a few. 

How do you handle those moments of self-doubt and fear? 

I manage my energy. I pay careful attention to the narrative I am subscribing to, and shift it if need be. I look to other successful women as expanders for what’s possible. I remind myself who the fuck I am. 

What resources do you love that you think other business owners should know about?

Anything and everything Amanda Frances. Go follow her if you’re not familiar. As the self-proclaimed “money queen,” her free content and paid programs will raise your vibration and brainwash you into thinking you can have anything you want, with ease. 

What book or podcast are you digging right now?

THE BEST BOOK EVER: Thank & Grow Rich by Pam Grout. Life changing & expansive! 

Jennifer Spivak #TEAMSPIVAK

What is one quote or motto you live by?

“The work is feeling good.” One of many gems from Amanda Frances. It reminds me that all of the “have tos” and “shoulds” are bullshit. That “the answer” doesn’t lie in the next funnel or tactic or training or process or morning ritual… and that my only real quest on this planet is to feel good and be filled with joy as often as possible. 

What does the world need more of?

Joy, authenticity, & unapologetic women :)

Connect with Jennifer Spivak inside the Hatch Tribe Collective, our member exclusive community for women entrepreneurs on the rise! Have yet joined us, learn more right here.

You can connect with Jennifer at:




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