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Nurturing Your Team's Strengths for Maximum Success

As a business leader, there’s a lot of pressure to strive for success and to continuously improve your bottom line. But the most successful leaders recognize that effective management comes not from trying to do it all on your own, but by leveraging the power of collaboration and teamwork.

Leading with humility is key — showing your team you respect their work and input will help build an environment of trust where everyone can feel comfortable to give ideas, challenge existing norms, or express dissent without fear of repercussion. It also allows you to tap into your team’s strengths so each person can contribute as much as they possibly can. When done right, leading with humility results in strong company culture where individuals come together in pursuit of a common goal — success!

In this blog, Jessica Nemecz of Two Roads Wellness Clinic shares her experience on how leading with humility creates more innovative problem-solvers. She emphasizes how business owners, CEOs and entrepreneurs can nurture their team's individual strengths into bigger collective wins for the organization as a whole.

What do you think is your greatest strength as a leader & why?

My greatest strength as a leader is seeing the potential in other people. I'm able to see their strengths, nurture them, and give them an outlet to use them. A company is only as strong as its team and I believe it's the leader's responsibility to help strengthen the team by helping each person identify and then utilize their strengths. We all win when we get to do what we're good at and what we love.

What is one characteristic that you believe every leader should embody & why?

Every leader should have humility. There is a famous quote that says, "Humility isn't thinking less of yourself, but is thinking of yourself less." You can hold confidence and humility in the same hand and the outcome is a company that is less about you and more about a deeper purpose of supporting others and making the world a better place.

What are the most important decisions you make as a leader of your organization?

Each and every decision is important because ultimately it affects someone else's life. As a leader, you always have to be looking at the big picture and thinking about how the next decision will affect others and the company as a whole. Even what seems like a small decision such as what kind of toilet paper to put in the restrooms, may be a big deal to someone!

Meet Jessica: Jessica Nemecz is a licensed clinical professional counselor (LCPC), Myers-Briggs type indicator certified facilitator, and the CEO of Two Roads Wellness Clinic. She specializes in trauma therapy utilizing EMDR and Christian counseling. She provides business consulting and self-awareness coaching to entrepreneurs as well as conflict resolution to teams. As CEO of Two Roads Wellness Clinic, Jessica focuses on visionary and growth projects to bring new services to our communities. Jessica believes in a collaborative approach to healthcare and the importance of partnering with other businesses to ensure the best services are available in our area. For fun, she enjoys reading, walking in nature, and taking care of her dogs, chickens, and ducks.

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