Meet the Tribe - Jessica Beran

Jessica Beran

Each week we bring you the story of one incredible entrepreneur who can be found inside the Hatch Tribe COLLECTIVE. Today we’re excited to introduce Jessica Beran of Dance Moves of Charleston and  Authentic Coaching in Charleston SC.

What is your business and how did it come to be? 

I have owned my dance studios for 17 years.  It was born from my lifelong passion for dance.  I got my degree in dance from USC and started my business in 2002 after moving to Charleston. I started life coaching a year ago and was drawn to it with the idea of helping others achieve their goals and improve their mindset. I absolutely love coaching and it fuels me to work with women and see their transformation.

What’s the hardest thing about being your own boss? 

Sometimes it feels like it is all you do. I have been trying to be better about scheduling and doing non-work things that make me happy. Work is my passion, but you definitely need the mental break from it and the feeling of you always can be doing something. Rest and time away is necessary.

What’s the best part about being your own boss? 

Flexibility and having the power to watch your dreams unfold: pure fulfillment.

How do you balance your personal life with your business? 

This gets tricky and hard to determine where that line is. I am on 24/7 if my businesses need me just like I am for my children. I have definitely been trying to be more present with my interactions, especially with my kids, I try to do one thing a week I want to do and has nothing to do with work, and I make sure I am moving some each day, the movement has always been my outlet.

From dance to yoga to CrossFit. Movement brings me joy and happiness and this year for the first year I am adding travel. I am excited to start exploring.

How do you take care of your mind, body, and spirit? 

Meditation is key and consistent, but I like to dabble in all sorts of things: chiropractic work, exercise, energy work, working with my own life coach, salt tanks, infrared sauna, massage, spiritual healers, you name it. I love nurturing and creating balance in these three areas. It is such an important part of my growth.

How do you keep yourself accountable?

I just do. I have never had an issue with not getting stuff done if I believe in what I am doing. I guess I am lucky in that way, not to say I don't get unmotivated or deflated now and then, I do, but then I know it is time for a mental break.

How do you handle those moments of self-doubt and fear?

Reframing my thoughts. It is something I have become really good at and is very helpful especially with the negative self-talk. Lots of practice and not always great at it, but I know for sure it is our thoughts creating those feelings, we can change our thought and therefore change the way we feel. I am always working on reconditioning my mind.

How has a so-called failure actually set you up for future success?

All of my failures have led me to my success. It is and will continue to be a necessary part of my journey. My failure has just taught me better ways to do the things I want to do or realize I did want to do something I had never thought of. Embrace the failure!

What podcast are you digging right now? 

Commune by Jeff Krasno


What is one quote or motto you live by? 

"When you know better, you do better." Maya Angelou

What does the world need more of? 


What is the best advice you’ve ever received as a business owner?

It is a marathon, not a sprint.

To connect with Jessica Beran join us in the Hatch Tribe Collective. You can also connect with her at:

Dance Moves:




Authentic Coaching:




Association for Women Entrepreneurs

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