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How to Build a Financial Projection for Your Business

Do you know how money 💰 is made in your business?

Seriously…Do you understand how money ✨ flows  ✨ IN…and OUT…of your business?

✅ Successful CEOs know their numbers. Period. ✅

And part of that knowing comes from building a Financial Projection every single year.

A good Financial Projection includes 3 simple parts:

  1. An estimate for what you’ll sell (aka money coming in!)

  2. An estimate for what you’ll spend (aka money going out!)

  3. An estimate for your profits (aka the difference between #1 and #2 above)

And here’s the great news. You don’t have to figure out how to do this on your own because…

We’ve got you covered with the Financial Projection & Tracker Template!

I created the template over 12 years ago when I started my first business. And over the years I’ve refined it into what it is today. It’s a tool I’ve shared with nearly all of my coaching & consulting clients, and I’m happy to be able to share it, so you too, can know your numbers!

You’ll get access to a fully editable Financial Projection, and as a BONUS you’ll also get a Topline Financial Tracker to see your numbers in an easy one-pager format! Plus you’ll get a short tutorial from me on how to use each of the files 😃

Grab it now for only $47! (...and use it forever in your business!)