Meet the Tribe - Marion Blount


Each week we bring you the story of one incredible entrepreneur who can be found inside the Hatch Tribe COLLECTIVE. Today we’re excited to introduce Marion Blount of Eddis & Co. in Charleston, SC USA

What is your business and how did it come to be?

My first entrepreneurial endeavor was in retail. I owned an e-commerce store that sold home decor.  I wanted to spend every minute of the day focused on the marketing and social media strategy for the e-commerce site and ZERO time on inventory, payroll, customer service, etc. So, after my son was born, I spent a lot of time rethinking work and eventually decided to pivot in a new direction.

Eddis & Co. was launched on my dining room table while my 2-month old son snoozed in his Dock-A-Tot. Eddis & Co. is a boutique social media marketing firm specializing in strategy, content, and distribution. We primarily work with creative entrepreneurs and direct to consumer goods.

What’s the hardest thing about being your own boss?

I struggle with wanting to be everything to everyone. I am trying to worry less about what my brand is and focus more on what I’m an expert in. Meaning, I’m trying to focus on what I can bring to the table that will set myself up for success. It’s very easy to want to be all things for all people, but over time I found that it is more important to offer less to a more defined group of people. Of course, this might mean telling a potential client that I’m not a good fit for them, which is always difficult.

What’s the best part about being your own boss?

I love being able to wear different hats. Some days I get to be creative and other days I get to be analytical. I like the change of pace. 

How do you balance your personal life with your business?

It’s not really a defined separation. Some days work creeps into personal life and other days personal life creeps into work life. I am just thankful I have the flexibility to make the switch when I need to. 

Marion Blount - Eddis & Co.


How do you take care of your mind, body, and spirit?

Move! I try to move my body every day for at least 30 minutes. 


How do you keep yourself accountable?

Creating lists and planning out a weekly schedule on Sunday evenings really helps me visualize what I need to accomplish each week. I rely on Trello to keep track of quarterly goals and projects.

How do you handle those moments of self-doubt and fear?

This is probably not the most conventional answer, but I often look to podcasts. I love listening to industry-specific podcasts to hear what others are doing in the digital marketing space. A lot of times it helps me get out of my head and brainstorm new ideas. 

What resources do you love that you think other business owners should know about? 

If you want to stay up to date on Social Media, I highly recommend listening to The Science of Social Media podcast by Buffer. 

Canva is a graphic design platform that allows users to create social media graphics, presentations, posters, and other visual content. 

What book or podcast are you digging right now? 

I just finished reading Aesthetic Intelligence by Pauline Brown. I’m currently listening to Unlock Us with Brene Brown 

What does the world need more of?


To connect with Marion Blount, join us in the Hatch Tribe Collective

You can also find her at:





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