Hatch Tribe

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Meet the Tribe - Christine Lentz

Each week we bring you the story of one incredible entrepreneur who can be found inside the Hatch Tribe Members Circle. Today we're excited to introduce you to Christine Lentz of Christine Lentz Yoga. 

Christine Lentz | photography by Kailee DiMeglio Photography

Are you an Early Bird or a Night Owl? Previous Night Owl, turning Early Bird

What’s the first thing you do when you wake up? Meditate, let go of anything that’s holding me back (fear, anxiety, doubt, judgement), find gratitude, set my intention for the day, yoga, coffee, go!

What are you reading now? Start Here Now: An Open-Hearted Guide to the Path and Practice of Meditation by Susan Piver

What's your favorite podcast or YouTube channel? The Rich Roll Podcast -- an amazing resource for health, wellness, fitness, philosophy, and yoga!

Favorite place to getaway from it all? Folly Beach or the mountains up in Asheville

If you could get an extra hour today, how would you use it? Spend time in nature….perhaps run at the park, walk the beach or hang on my back porch

Do you consider yourself more of an Introvert or extrovert? Extroverted Introvert. :)

What's your favorite food?  Pad thai, green smoothies & dark chocolate.

I'm on a mission to… encourage others to step outside of their comfort zones and to connect to themselves on a deeper level so they may discover what it means to be  F U L L Y  A L I V E.


How did your awesome business come to be?

Christine Lentz Yoga is a culmination of many years of yoga practice, study, and diving deeper into who I want to be and how I want to impact the world in a positive way. Teaching yoga and mindfulness practices has developed from shifting my life from the confines of intense anxiety and doubt, to a space of confidence and self-empowerment. Hosting retreats has naturally blossomed from my extensive love of travel, nature and adventure.

Who inspired you to pursue entrepreneurship?

Hilary Johnson, who showed me how to OWN being an entrepreneur. And all the amazing ladies in Hatch Tribe, thank you for showing me, whatever your passion, you can create a life you want to live in.

Have you ever had a mentor? And how did they help you?

Bethany Bubenzer, my life & business coach and mentor has been a HUGE part of journey. She has helped me discover my confidence, my voice and has empowered me to take 100% responsibility for my life’s creation and design.

How do you define success for yourself?

Being AWAKE and PRESENT as I experience this life, having the freedom to travel and spend quality time with loved ones, creating a positive ripple effect in the world, constantly evolving, and finding joy in the everyday moments.

We all love failure & flop stories! Tell us about something you tried in business that didn't work, and how you moved beyond it.

Sometimes I find myself REALLY inspired by a fellow teacher or mentor, and try to parrot their words and teachings into my classes. It ends up feeling inauthentic and wrong coming out of my mouth. This is teaching me to honor and respect the unique qualities of others and what they have to offer, while also allowing myself to embrace my own strengths.

What is a recent success that you're super proud of accomplishing?

Planning a week-long retreat in Costa Rica, scheduled for March 2019: Fully Alive Yoga & Adventure Retreat

What is your superpower?


What is the least sexy part of your job?

Doing “the work” of yoga isn’t as glamorous as Instagram and magazines make it’s out to be. The lifestyle of yoga isn’t just flowing, breathing and working out on your mat. It’s taking these principles of focus, acceptance and embracing being uncomfortable into your everyday life. The tough part is digging deep into your shadow side to notice and shift deeply ingrained patterns, like playing the victim or always being the critic. This practice isn’t always sexy, but wow is it transformative. Focusing everyday on evolving, forgiving, finding gratitude and showing up for ourselves is the most profound things you can do for yourself and for the world.

What do you hope to learn from your peers in the Hatch Tribe Members Circle?

Hatch Tribe has given me the permission to really GO FOR IT and to ask for help when I am outside of my zone of genius. This community has given me confidence, support and joy in choosing the life and career of being a conscious entrepreneur. The member’s circle is showing me how COLLABORATION over COMPETITION is the key to a fulfilled business & life!


To connect with Christine Lentz directly join us INSIDE THE TRIBE! Become a member today at www.hatchtribe.com/memberscircle.

She can also be found on her Website and Instagram

Christine Lentz Yoga | photography by Kailee DiMeglio Shields