Meet the Tribe - Stacy Smith


Each week we bring you the story of one incredible entrepreneur who can be found inside the Hatch Tribe COLLECTIVE. Today we’re excited to introduce Stacy Smith of Smith Spencer Real Estate in Charleston SC.

What is your business and how did it come to be?

Smith Spencer Real Estate is an all girl, boutique residential real brokerage headquartered in historic downtown Charleston, SC.


What’s the best part about being your own boss?

Freedom to make the rules.


How do you balance your personal life with your business? 

I create boundaries. Entrepreneurs can fall victim to working all the time. I used to do that and I was miserable. Now, I block off time for myself, friends and family and it goes on the calendar!


How do you take care of your mind, body, and spirit? 

I am a self care junkie. I meditate and workout to keep my mind and body primed and healthy. I go to acupuncture weekly and therapy for “routine maintenance” every few months. Yes I have a child at home! But being my best is the number one priority. 


How do you keep yourself accountable? 

When I have an important goal I tell my family, my friends and my team about it. 


How do you handle those moments of self-doubt and fear? 

I write about it and/or talk about it with my partner or someone on my team. 


How has a so-called failure actually set you up for future success? 

There is no such thing as setbacks, only setups! When one door closes another opens. This is the truth! I have countless stories about perceived failures in the form of hires or potential clients that didn’t work out and what seemed like an empty space was quickly filled by people who were truly aligned with our brand and values. 


What book & podcast are you digging right now?

Go-Giver by Bob Burg and John David Mann

Between Two Brokers by Stacy and Erin


Who is one woman you admire and what do you adore about her? 

My Mom. She is an entrepreneur who taught me the only person that it’s OK to work for is yourself. She is 74 and just started another new business! She is a serial entrepreneur who continues to learn, grow and share her gifts with so many people around the world. She never gives up. She is my hero. 


What is one quote or motto you live by? 

“I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel” by Maya Angelou


What does the world need more of?



What is the best advice you’ve ever received as a business owner? 

The riches are in the niches! Challenge the status quo and stand out. Isn’t it better to be looked over than overlooked?

To connect with Stacy Smith join us in the Hatch Tribe Collective. You can also find her at:




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