Hatch Tribe

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3 Ways to Connect + Engage with Your Tribe!

Whether you’re on a mission to cultivate raving fans or to build the best team in town, it all comes down to how you connect + engage with every single person you encounter. It matters how you choose to show up with customers, clients, employees, and team members.


Are you perceived as being authentic + real in your interactions? If so you’re well on your way to creating a tribe that will grow as you do.


Here are three things you can do today to start serving your tribe in a real, authentic, and meaningful way.



I want you to WOW someone today. It could be a customer, a client, a teammate, or a fellow entrepreneur. Just choose someone and figure out how you can surprise and delight him or her.


When I was in the beer business we employed this model at local bars and restaurants. We’d find someone who was already enjoying our brand of beer, and we’d surprise them by delivering a few rounds of beer. Then we’d delight them by picking up their entire tab. These unsuspecting beer drinkers would be completely shocked, and they’d often be so grateful you’d receive far more hugs than you’d ever imagine. We created brand-loyal enthusiasts for life.


Consider your business and how you can uniquely surprise and delight this person. Perhaps you reward an employee with an extra half-day away from the office and give her 40 bucks to go get a mani-pedi. Or you sneak a free shirt into your customer’s bag with a handwritten note that she’ll find when she gets home. Or you stop by your client’s office and drop off a vase of freshly cut flowers from your garden and a cinnamon roll you baked that morning, just because you can.


It’s really such a joy to give joy to others. It makes you feel good in the process, similar to the afterglow people report after volunteering for a cause. And it may just endear you to a customer for life.



The Greek philosopher Epictetus said, “We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.”


Girl, let me tell you how much I’ve struggled with this one! I’ve had the gift of gab for as long as I can remember, so I often struggle to balance speaking with listening.


But this funny thing happens when you shut up. You actually start hearing cues that help you become a better boss, a better friend, a better girlfriend/wife, a better daughter … basically a better human.


It’s time to develop superhuman listening skills. People will tell you what they need. In business, your customers and clients will give you great insight into your products or services. They provide priceless information that will help you improve your offerings and drive more sales. You just have to listen.


Treat your customers like your best friend. Listen to them with your head … and your heart.



I’m going to ask you to get really old-school right now.


The next time you have the opportunity to express gratitude, dig out the pen and paper and write a handwritten thank-you. This simple gesture will wow your customers, clients and teammates. Every. Single. Time.


In the era of excessive emails, you can stand out from the crowd by showing someone you cared enough to spend five minutes putting the pen to paper.


I’ve received countless compliments over the years for taking the time to send a little snail mail. My friend Ashley likes to call it “sending a happy,” because it’s always such a nice surprise these days to find something in your mailbox that’s not a bill.


Give postcards a try, too. I like to send them to top clients when I’m on the road for work or fun. It’s a nice way to show people you’re thinking of them.

What are your favorite ways to connect + engage with your tribe? Share your thoughts in the comments below.


If you enjoyed this post, check out my book “A Girls Guide to Surviving the Startup with your Mind, Body, and Soul Intact” available on Amazon.