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What’s The Secret To Success In Business?

I have no doubt you want to experience success in business. Every entrepreneur does and rightfully so.

You took the leap to become an entrepreneur & that takes a tremendous amount of guts and courage! So with everything on the line, it’s important to stay focused on the things that truly matter in business, so you find success without burning out in the process.

After 12+ years of building my own businesses, and 7+ years coaching & consulting other business owners, I’ve had a front-row view of the insides of (literally) hundreds of businesses.

And here’s what I know for sure about success in business…

1️⃣ Running A Business Doesn’t Have To Be Hard.

Some of you may be fuming over this comment, but it’s only because you don’t yet understand that running a business can be pretty easy & joyful.

Most business owners over-complicate things, which usually stems from overthinking things vs. taking action.

Let me illustrate this for you.

What do you know you need to do but keep putting off?

The answer to this question is just one example of how you’re making your business harder than it needs to be.

At a minimum, this one thing is eating up your mental bandwidth, a precious resource that needs to be used wisely every day! At a maximum, this one thing is truly interrupting your ability to grow & scale your business.

Running a business is much easier and more joyful when you take swift action on the challenges or problems as they arise! The longer you “hold on” to the challenges, the bigger they will feel, which tends to create a false sense that business is hard.

2️⃣ Your Business Is Not Unique, Special, Or Different.

If the comment before didn’t tick you off, this one might! So let me share the true meaning here.

Many business owners have a sense that their challenges or problems are unique, as if they’re the only ones having that problem or that it’s specifically unique to their industry or clients.

Spoiler alert. You aren’t. It isn’t.

99% of the problems in business are the same across industries, geographies, clients, or even business owners!

This “individualistic” view is often what keeps business owners from seeking the help or support they need. 

Over time those challenges or problems continue to grow until they feel even more insurmountable, which underscores the importance of taking action as challenges arise.

3️⃣ Your Vision And Goals Matter Way More Than You Think.

If you’ve been around here for a while, you already know that I’m a big believer in a formal vision & goal-setting process. There are dozens of reasons why, but I want to address one today.

If you don’t know WHAT you want, what the F are you doing?


As a business owner, there will never be a shortage of things to do. Every day dozens of things will compete for your attention, and if you’re not careful, you can get real busy doing $hit that doesn’t matter!

I know that you know this is true.

When you’re clear about what you want (aka have a vision), you are WAY more deliberate about taking action. You can more easily invest your own time & energy into the things that will bring you greater success in business…and joy!

The most successful business owners I know have an unrelenting vision for what they want, and they pursue it like a dog on a bone. And I love to witness this kind of power unfold from a human’s heart and soul!

Does any of this resonate with you? 

If you want to experience success in business, I can help you get there. 

Sign up for a Business Coaching Clarity Call, and I’ll help you see how this is possible in YOUR business.

Spots are limited, so sign up today!

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