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Your Future Self Is Not Who You Are Today

Your Future Self is a very different person from the human you are today!

The person you are TODAY is not the same person you’ll BE in another 10, or 5, or even 2 years.

Why? Because LIFE changes you. And so does your business!

You are probably facing some kind of challenge in your business or life right now. And you may be thinking…

What do I do NOW?!

As you mull over various solutions to your business challenges, you’ll notice some seem more manageable, while others may trigger a full-blown panic.

How in the hell am I going to do THAT?! Is that even possible?!

There are a whole lot of “what ifs” associated with future thinking. And the further afield the solution, the more fear, doubt or uncertainty you may be feeling.

Why so much fear? Why all the doubt?

Because you haven’t YET walked through that challenge in your life or business. It’s unknown, so you can’t possibly know exactly how it will go.

And this is precisely when we need to remember this FACT.

You will not be the same person in the future as you are right now.

You will (likely) rise to the occasion to meet whatever challenges are in front of you, and they will literally change you. They will transform you into the next version of YOU that walks the planet.

Just think about it in REVERSE. Who were you 5 years ago? 

Sure, at the core, you’re probably very similar to your younger self. But haven’t you CHANGED? Haven’t you become BETTER at running your business? Haven’t you developed some CONFIDENCE about certain aspects of your life & business?

Of course, you have! Because that’s the JOY of being a human on this planet, learning, growing and evolving EVERY STINKING YEAR!

Take notice of what’s challenging you NOW. And remember, you CAN rise to meet the challenges of today. Your future self will be even more impressive and badass and empowered to meet whatever comes your way.

Digging This Message?

I highly recommend reading “Be Your Future Self Now“. The author, Dr. Benjamin Hardy, is an organizational psychologist and is one of the world’s leading experts on the psychology of entrepreneurial leadership and exponential growth. His Ph.D. research focused on entrepreneurial courage and transformational leadership.

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