How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome When Starting Your Own Business

How to overcome imposter syndrome

Imposter syndrome can hinder any female entrepreneur who wants to crush it in her daily life. You might be feeling like you're not good enough to continue in your field, but you should know that your brain is lying to you. Up to 82% of adults experience imposter syndrome at some point in their lives, so you're not alone in feeling like you're not good enough. 

Short-term solutions might work occasionally, but to tackle imposter syndrome, you have to know what it is and then pull it out of you by the roots.

What Is Imposter Syndrome?

Imposter syndrome encompasses not feeling up to par or good enough for your accomplishments. You may feel like you really don't deserve your job or the opportunities you've been given. It gained its name because most people who experience it feel like an imposter or that they're wearing a mask — that they don't really belong with everyone else.

It can be challenging for women to feel like they've earned their success in today's society. Sexism is still very real, and many times, women can be the victim of discrimination or scrutiny — with people saying they earned their achievements because of their looks rather than their abilities. This can make women feel down on themselves, wondering if something else got them to where they are. 

You don’t have to feel alone if you experience imposter syndrome. Remind yourself that you've earned everything you've accomplished. This may work in the short term, but you need to find out which strategies will help you in the long term to destroy any signs of imposter syndrome in yourself and others. Life is difficult, and you shouldn't make it harder on yourself. 

5 Ways to Crush Imposter Syndrome for Good

Imposter syndrome doesn't go away overnight. You have to attack it with several methods that can eradicate it from your life. Put in the work and you'll reap the benefits of being a confident female entrepreneur — and you might even be someone else's role model.

1. Keep Track of the Wins

Many people discredit their achievements by chalking it up to luck. You should own your accomplishments — tell everyone you know about what you've achieved and why it's important to you. Your loved ones should congratulate you on any and all successes. Having a support team is essential because they can help you keep track of your wins when it's hard to see the bright side of failure.

If you're more of a visual learner, try to keep track of your wins on a paper near your desk. That way, whenever you sit down to do some work, you'll see what you've already accomplished. It might motivate you to continue moving forward on a day you feel like quitting.

2. Speak to a Professional

It might be time to talk to a professional if you feel like you can't shake these feelings of inadequacy. A therapist can arm you with strategies to employ when all feels lost. You can feel a little more in control of your life once you use these methods to your advantage, and you can be the powerful entrepreneur everyone knows you can be.

3. Know That You Are Your Brand

You become the face of your business when stepping out as an entrepreneur. You need to show everyone how strong a woman you are and how much you've taken on your shoulders. Running your own business isn't easy. Show off your best side by building an online portfolio of your work so potential clients can see the best of what you do. Ask for others to vouch for you. Going through the motions of being an entrepreneur will have you feeling like a successful one in no time.

4. Don't Compare Yourself to Others

It can be easy to compare yourself to other women in your field who are further than you are when you first start a new journey. You might look at some of the people you graduated with and wonder why you aren't accomplishing as much as they are. You have to remember that everyone moves through life at their own pace. You are exactly where you're meant to be right now.

Other people may not have had the obstacles you had to climb over. They may have had an easier life, or they may have faced difficulties you could never dream of. You don't know anyone else's life but your own — so why would you try to live someone else's story? Trust that things are going exactly the way you need them to go.

5. Practice Affirmations

Affirmations may sound like a pseudo-science that doesn't really work if you've never tried them before. Those who recite affirmations daily and have been consistent with saying them know they make a difference in their lives. The trick is to say positive things about yourself aloud — ideally, in the mirror — every single day. Affirmations remind you to stay empowered and can give you the self-confidence you need to propel your business forward. Once you tell your brain something for long enough, it starts to believe it.

Uproot Your Imposter Syndrome

At first, it might be challenging to admit your worth and how much you know. You might still feel like an imposter in your field for some time. That's OK, as long as you're making progress toward your goal and feeling like you belong. Don't worry about what others have to say. They don't know your story, just like you don't know theirs. All you can do is be your most authentic self and go from there.


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