8 "Easy Buttons" in Marketing

Online Marketing Bootcamp for Women Entrepreneurs

I know you know the importance of marketing your business. It’s one of the single most important functions of building a strong, sustainable, and profitable business. 

But...it’s also something I hear entrepreneurs complain and freak out about allllllllllll the time. 

I get it. If you don’t have a prior experience in marketing and you legitimately don’t know what to do, of course it sucks. We generally don’t experience a lot of joy when we’re struggling through something that feels complicated and frustrating, right?

Here are 10 “Easy Buttons” in Marketing that you can put into play immediately in your business. I’m all for working smarter, not harder, and these marketing hacks are super helpful!

10 Minute Engagement Time Block - Feel like you get “sucked in” to social media and can’t get off? Schedule a recurring, daily 10 minute time block on your calendar to engage on social media. When the time comes, set the timer on your phone and get to work. Answer DMs. Comment back to followers. Engage on other posts. With your head fully in the game, you’ll be surprised at home much you can get done in 10 minutes.

Repurpose Popular Posts - Go into Instagram Insights and look at the last 365 days. Which posts got the most engagement? Which got the most likes? Pull those posts and reschedule them back into next month’s content. Just be sure to update the copy if there’s anything “untimely” that doesn’t make sense anymore!


Repurpose Awesome Blogs - Go find the blogs you poured your heart & soul into because if it was awesome then, it can be awesome now. If the topic was “evergreen” then this is super easy! Update a few photos and maybe even give it a new title. Then reschedule it for the month ahead. 

Every Blog is a Video (and visa versa) - This is one of the easiest ways to repurpose your long-form content! If you wrote a killer blog, sit down in front of your camera and record a video sharing the same details. If you recorded a killer video, upload it into a tool like Otter.ai and transcribe it into a blog. Boom!

Leverage Your Videos - When you create a video for your business, don’t make the mistake of using it in just one place! A 3-5 minute video can be multi-purposed as follows. Load it onto your Facebook page (or pre-schedule with Facebook Creator Studio). Load it onto IGTV (this can also be pre-scheduled with Creator Studio). When you load into IGTV, make sure to share a preview to your Instagram feed. And lastly, take the same video and chunk it down into 15 second clips using a tool like VideoShop. Now you can load those clips into Instagram Stories and add fun interactive elements like questions, polls, etc. Just don’t do this all on the same day. Roll it out over 1-2 weeks.

Automate Posting - You can leverage your blogs to continue to drive traffic to your website with a tool like Missinglettr. It creates & automates posts that can be published to Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Super easy to use!

Ask Questions. Share Answers. If you’re struggling to come up with something awesome to share on Instagram stories, just ask questions! Think about what your fans are interested in, even beyond your specific industry, such as their favorite movie, latest TV binge, or place they can’t wait to travel to. Share their answers and you’ve got content for the next 24 hours!

Share Other People’s Awesome Content. You don’t have to be the expert in everything in your industry. Find reputable (or inspiring) content on topics that your ideal clients care about and then share it out. This strategy works on Instagram (share the original post) and Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter (share the links). Just be sure to give credit to the source!


Just like these 8 marketing hacks, marketing can be made easy. It’s all about learning the tips + tricks AND embracing the system + process that makes it easily repeatable month after month.

So if you’re ready to level up your marketing skills & hit those goals for growth in your business, check out Online Marketing Bootcamp. It’s my complete step-by-step guide to mastering your marketing so you can attract more clients...and convert more to sales!

After going through Online Marketing Bootcamp, you will:

  • Be able to confidently market & promote your own business without needing to spend thousands of dollars to hire someone else to do it

  • Use a simple, easy-to-use system to plan & implement all of your marketing

  • Know exactly where to be and what to say to connect with your perfect, ideal clients

  • Leverage your content to get it to work harder for you

  • Know how to get your marketing to work...even when you’re not

  • Feel empowered to promote your business with greater confidence and ease

Does that hit home? If so, I encourage you to check out Online Marketing Bootcamp

Enrollment is until Thursday, April 30, 2020 and installment payments are available!

I want to see you CRUSH your goals. I want to see THRIVE in your business. I want to see you LIVE that life that sets your heart on fire.

Let’s do this!


The hardest part about marketing your business?


Meet the Tribe - Alexandria Watson