The hardest part about marketing your business?

Marketing Made Easy | Online Marketing Bootcamp

Every single week I hear entrepreneurs say they want to grow their businesses, but often they’re struggling to attract new clients. What that really means, is they haven’t quite landed on a marketing strategy that’s working yet!

So what is the hardest part of marketing your business?

Here are 6 common concerns I hear from business owners with a few tips + tricks for solving each. See if any of these hit home for you!

I feel confused about all the options. I’m not sure how I should be marketing my business?

If you’re overwhelmed just trying to figure out where to market, I have great news for you. You don’t need to be everywhere! In fact, if you focus on the platforms where your ideal clients spend the majority of their time, you only need to pick a select few! When you’re focused on just a few platforms, you can develop true mastery. You’ll get better results by “going deep” into a few platforms versus scattering your efforts all over the place.

I don’t know what to say.

If you’re struggling to come up with good content ideas, go to the source! Your clients (current or ideal) are the best source of topics that connect to their heart & mind. Ask questions and gather ideas via social media posts, Instagram polls, email surveys, or even one-on-one interviews. Never underestimate the power of a 15 minute phone call with an ideal client! If you’re actively listening, they’ll tell you exactly what they want.

I don’t have the time.

If you aren’t finding (or making) the time to work on your marketing, are you ok with your business not growing? Businesses that don’t actively market and promote their businesses tend to plateau. Organic reach and referrals eventually dry up if you’re not doing something to actively foster it! So if your goal is to grow your business, it’s time to start putting a dedicated effort into marketing your business. Put a time block on your calendar every week to work on marketing, and make it non-negotiable. This is your investment of time & energy into your own growth!

I feel like I can’t get it “right”. It takes forever to get out 1 piece of content...and sometimes I just delete the whole damn thing and start over.

If your perfectionist flag is flying, here’s what you need to hear. It’s not about getting it right! In fact, it’s much better in marketing to get something out into the world versus holding it back. Just like everything in life, we get better by doing. Your path to growth is going to involve some trial and error, and every step forward is helping you improve. Try giving yourself a time limit for any marketing-related task that usually trips you up. When time is scarce (not endless) we tend to get over the self-inflicted obsession and just get it done!

I’m inconsistent. Some weeks I’m on it. Some weeks I’m not.

If you’re inconsistently marketing your business, you’re  just missing a system and process that works for you. A good system will be easy for you to use, but it’s also going to require that you put dedicated time on the calendar to make it happen. That’s a task in discipline, but when coupled with the motivation to make it happen, you’ll be unstoppable. Remember, the more we use something, the easier it gets. So it’s rarely about finding the “perfect system”, but rather embracing something and committing to keep using it.

I didn’t go to business school, so how would I know how to do this?

If you’re allowing this self-limiting excuse to get in your way, it’s time to let it go. Marketing is a skill that can be learned and you don’t need to go to business school to learn it! Becoming a successful business owner requires that we learn all kinds of new skills, like bookkeeping, selling, sending contracts, handling customer service, etc. So if you need to improve your marketing skills, enroll in a good course, do the work, and start implementing it. If you’re willing to put in the time & effort, you can improve your skills in anything!

Anything you’re willing to put the time & energy into can transform from a weakness into a strength. Just like learning to cook, or running a marathon, or becoming a badass chess player…you can learn to market your business like a BOSS.

Hilary Johnson - Hatch Tribe Founder + CEO

If you have BIG goals for your business and you know it’s time to LEVEL UP your marketing to hit those goals, I encourage you to check out Online Marketing Bootcamp.

This is my complete step-by-step, 8 week course that guides you through developing & implementing a marketing plan that will attract more of your ideal clients online.

Marketing is a skill. It can be taught. It can be learned. And I know you can do this!

Join me in Online Marketing Bootcamp and let’s get busy attracting even more of your ideal clients!


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