3 Ways You’re Stunting Your Own Growth

3 Ways You’re Stunting Your Own Growth

Every week I am on the listening end of a business owner telling me about her dreams!

Dreams of…

🤩 Being less stressed out

🤩 Making more $$$ 

🤩 Working fewer hours

🤩 Finding good help

🤩 Getting rid of crappy clients

And the dreams go on…and on…and on.

Some of these people will reach their dreams. MANY will not.

Why is that, you ask?

Because humans don’t really LOVE change.

You see, we are hard-wired to stay alive. And generally speaking staying alive is a low bar that will keep us choosing the safe & comfortable, instead of venturing out into unknown territory!

Humans will continually choose our comfort zone over and over, even when we WANT something that’s beyond our current circumstances.

Getting out of your comfort zone

So today I’m going to share 3 ways business owners commonly get in their own way, leading to stunted growth (at a minimum) and missed dreams (at the maximum)!

And if you find yourself thinking “DAMN, I need some help with this stuff!”, I want you to know 1) you are not alone and 2) I can help you. Keep reading!

3 Ways You’re Stunting Your Own Growth

Failure to focus on sales & marketing in a meaningful way

Sales and Marketing Strategy

Sales & marketing are the only 2 things related to MONEY coming into your business.

If you are not actively focusing on sales & marketing, you are leaving the success of your business to CHANCE!

Like to gamble? Great! Because that’s what you’re doing when you’re running your business without a sales & marketing strategy.

Relying on referrals? Gambling!

Waiting for people to just show up? Gambling!

Doing only social media? Gambling!

A truly successful business never leaves their GROWTH up to chance alone. Get in the driver’s seat and start promoting your biz like a BOSS!

Failure to let other people help you

Empower your team

You, my queen, are one person. And there is simply a limit to what YOU can accomplish in a day.

I can’t tell you how a business owner says…

🤪 No one else does it right!

🤪 No one else does it as good as me!

🤪 It’s faster if I just do it myself!

Oh, babe. Brace yourself, because here’s the real talk.

Your perfectionist tendency is creeping on ya! And it’s causing you to PLAY SMALL!!!!

If you want to grow and actually ENJOY your life as your business expands, you MUST learn how to empower others!

Other people CAN & WILL help you grow when…

😃 You hire the right candidate for the role!

😃 You train them to do the freaking job the “right way”!

😃 And you get the F*CK out of the way.

Stop hoarding the work. That’s terrible leadership, babe.

Failure to believe in yourself

Believe in yourself

I don’t have to KNOW you to know that YOU are your worst critic.

That soundtrack looping in your brain right now is mostly talking shit. It’s mostly telling you all the ways you’re doomed to fail if you step out & try something different.

Remember, your brain is hard-wired to keep you safe. And safe often means choosing the path we know vs. the one we haven’t yet ventured down.

This is why it’s often sooooooooo hard to initiate and maintain change in our businesses.

As the business owner, you don’t have a boss to hype you up and encourage you to make changes. And your employees (if you have them) can’t really do that either.

So there you are, inside your own head every single day, thinking & wondering if you’re doing the right things. And all too often your brain says NO!

As business owners we MUST learn how to believe in ourselves, especially when we’re taking leaps of faith!

Ready to unleash your growth?!

I can help you! It’s what I do as a business growth coach. 

I’ll help you see the forest and the trees in your business, and then help you determine the right path forward for YOU! No one size fits all approach, because you and your business are unique!

Book a 1-hour Business Coaching Clarity Call! Only a few days & times remain for this month!


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