7 Questions to Ask When You’re Interviewing a Business Coach

When you’re considering hiring a business coach or consultant, it’s important to take your time and find the right fit, afterall you’ll be working with this person for many months!

Before hiring a business coach, it's essential to ask good questions so that you can be sure you are getting the best fit for your needs. Here are seven key questions to help guide you in your search:

  1. What experience do you have working with businesses of my size and industry?

    It’s essential to work with someone who has relevant experience, so be sure to ask what kind of companies they’re worked with, including the industry and size (both revenue and number of employees).

  2. What methods do you use to customize the programs for clients?

    Many coaches offer a “one size fits all” approach to working with clients. And while they may have expertise in their field, a cookie-cutter approach can be frustrating for businesses.

  3. How will our goals and objectives be measured to ensure progress is being made?

    The ultimate goal of business coaching and consulting is to experience a positive change and transformation. Be clear about what you really want upfront, so you can find someone who can get you to that ultimate end goal.

  4. What strategies do you recommend companies use to reach their goals?

    Depending on your goals, there will be a variety of strategies and tactics that can be deployed. Ask for some examples of what your coach or consultant would recommend based on your initial conversation.

  5. Are there any additional services or resources provided as part of the coaching program?

    Many coaches & consultants will offer things like on-going email check-ins, referrals and introductions to other people, templates & resources to run your business more efficiently, and more.

  6. How do we ensure confidentiality while working together?

    It’s standard practice to sign a confidentiality agreement, so be sure to ask about this if it’s important to protect your privacy.

  7. Do you provide any post-coaching support or follow-up sessions after completing the program?

    Typically a consulting or coaching agreement will have a start & end date, so usually you’ll need to start a new engagement once the initial phase is over. It’s a good idea to ask what that looks like upfront so you’ll have an idea.

It’s important to hire the right business coach or consultant for you. And there truly is no one size fits all coach. Be sure to ask these questions, and anything else that comes to mind, so you can get clarity about the process & expect results.


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