CEO: What do you want to invite IN this season?

Yesterday many millions of people celebrated Easter, donning their festive spring frocks, enjoying a ham-centric meal with their families, and indulging in brightly colored eggs and chocolate bunnies.

But alas, the real meaning of Easter has little to do with these things. Whether you’re Christian or not, I think we can all appreciate the spiritual symbolism of Easter.

It’s a time for rebirth. A time for renewal. A time for letting go of the past and moving toward the future.

I read this beautiful quote about Easter by Gina Devee that said… 

“Let’s focus instead on the possibility of new life as we allow ourselves to rise again. There’s a power that’s in us but not of us that has more love to give and more life to live. So let the past be behind you, allow yourself to walk forward in the truth of light and love, and go out there and live your best life. It’s what you’re here for”

So consider that today is your fresh start, your new beginning, and ask yourself…

✨ What do you want to experience more of?

✨ What do you want to invite into your life?

✨ What do you want to make “space” for?

I journaled on these questions yesterday. Here’s  what came up for me. This season I am inviting in…

💚Connection: I want deeper, more meaningful connections with myself and others.

💚Conscious Community: I want strong relationships with humans who are doing good things in the world and vibrating at a high level.

💚Love: I want to keep my heart open and be vulnerable to give & receive BIG love.

💚Courage: I want to boldly & courageously pursue the things that I deeply desire.

💚Clarity: I want to give myself every opportunity to find clarity of mind so my actions are fully aligned with my heart and soul.

💚Wellbeing: I want to treat my mind, body, and spirit like the divine temples they are, so I can be at my best every day.

💚Joy: I want to follow the seeds of joy, light, and inspiration.

💚Belief: I want to live in trust & faith that the dreams in my heart are fully possible.

Now it’s YOUR turn.

What do you want to experience more of?

✨ What do you want to invite into your life?

✨ What do you want to make “space” for?

Get out your journal, head to a quiet space, and allow your inner voice to speak to you. Experiment with starting each sentence with “I want….” and see what comes up.

A day or two later, re-read what you’ve written and see how it sits with you. If you want to add or remove something, go with it! 

And then…

Write it up, print it out, and stick it by your desk. Why? Because now you have a beautiful vision for what you want & that makes decision making a heck of a lot easier.

No matter what opportunity or challenge you face, refer to your list and ask yourself “Which decision is most aligned to my desire & vision?” The choice is typically clear, even if it’s a challenging one 🙂

I invite you to hit reply and tell me what came up for you during this exercise.

And if you’re also craving Connection & Conscious Community, especially with other women business owners & entrepreneurs, I invite you to consider our Mastermind. The doors will be opening soon and I’d love to welcome you to our inner circle. 

PS. In the spirit of rebirth, have you noticed our new logo?! Our rebrand rollout is underway, so things will be taking on a new look & feel this month!


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