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Making life easier: The one tool you need as an entrepreneur

Quick quiz: Which of these can you relate to?

  1. You feel like there’s not enough time in the day to get everything done.

  2. You’re constantly looking for new ways to run your business more efficiently.

  3. You hate how long it takes to get documents and agreements signed.

If you answered yes to all of the above, I feel you. I was in the same boat before I started getting documents signed electronically with an e-signature software.

While there are several options out there, my software of choice is Charleston-based InsureSign. With InsureSign, you can set up and send documents for digital signing in minutes. Your customers can then conveniently sign from anywhere, on any device, in seconds -- including via text message!

I recently sat down with the InsureSign team to talk about how I use InsureSign and how we can all benefit from an e-signature tool. Here’s an except from that interview.

What kind of documents, and how many, do you typically get signed in a week?

The vast majority of the documents we get signed are coaching agreements. Whether we’re on-boarding new one-on-one coaching clients or bringing someone new into our CEO Collective Mastermind, we always send an agreement. It’s a really important part of the process for us, making sure our clients understand what they’re signing up for and what they’re receiving as a result. 

The volume ranges from week to week, but when we’re launching a new coaching program or mastermind group, we could send out a dozen or so agreements at a time.

Before using InsureSign, how did you get those documents signed?

We’ve tried out a couple other e-signature software in the past. Both got the job done but neither offered the features we get with InsureSign. 

Which InsureSign features have been the most useful?

The option for our clients to sign via text is so cool! Our clients are entrepreneurs who have busy schedules and are constantly on the go, so we love that this enables them to sign without having to be in front of their computer.

What have been the main benefits since you switched to getting documents signed with InsureSign? 

It’s really easy to use! It’s such a user-friendly interface, which makes it easy to upload documents, drag and drop the signature fields, and then send it off to our clients. I also love that the signed version of the document lands back in my inbox where I can easily file it away on the Google Drive.

What advice do you have for an entrepreneur who might be on the fence about trying InsureSign out?

The first bit of advice is to make sure you’re signing contracts with your clients and business partners! If there’s one thing I’ve learned from my years of working in corporate jobs and as a business owner, it’s the importance of having a written contract that outlines the terms of what you’ve agreed to do with one another. 

Then I’d say, go for it! If you’re currently asking your clients to hard-sign documents, you’re truly creating more work for yourself and your clients. We’re living in a digital world now, so embrace the technology that’s at your fingertips. InsureSign makes the signing process so easy for you and your clients, that it’s really a no brainer.

If you want to give InsureSign a try, you can sign up for a risk-free 14 day trial by clicking here.