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Lessons Entrepreneurs Can Learn From Successful Small Businesses

Are you thinking about starting a small business? Did you just open one? Have you been a business owner for years and want to ensure you remain at the top of your game? Small businesses are now creating 70% of jobs in the U.S. and helping local economies thrive. Whatever your situation is, these tips will drive growth for your business.

1. Know Your Market

Every business should provide something that is needed or wanted by consumers. What do you bring to the table? Having a clear and defined value can help you build your business plan. If your product holds value, the money will eventually come.

Knowing what you have to offer and that there is a need or desire for it can make or break your business. Make sure there is a market for your product.

2. Know Your Audience

Once you’ve established a market for your product or services, find out who you are trying to sell to. Who is your target audience, and what is the best way to reach them? Is building a social media presence going to draw them in? Are they more likely to respond to email marketing?

Find out who wants or needs your product the most and then find the most effective way to reach them.

3. Find Your Niche

After identifying who your buyers are, start thinking about what kinds of questions they might ask. Expand your knowledge about who your customers are and what they want. Narrow down your focus and find your niche to more effectively market to the right people. Make sure you have a clear message that promotes what you sell and to whom.

4. Test Your Theories

Brainstorm some business ideas and experiment with them. A small-business owner on Reddit advises entrepreneurs that they might have to start with something different from what their business goal intends to be and pivot from there.

The main takeaway here is that it’s OK to experiment and test out theories before deciding what’s best for you and your business.

5. Start Small

You must learn to walk before you can run. You are a small fish in a big pond. Do these axioms sound familiar? They’re still around because they’re true. You should start small and work your way up the ladder. Target the bigger fish when you have some experience under your belt and know more about your business.

6. Stand for Something

Once you’ve established your roots and gained your footing in commerce, find something to sponsor. It’s beneficial for small businesses to get involved within their community. Supporting other business ventures or nonprofit organizations draws attention to your company and encourages others to get involved. If you look at businesses that have been operating for 50 years or more, you’ll see how integral they’ve become to their community. 

What or who you choose to sponsor can say a lot about what you stand for and who you network with. Be selective and show support for organizations that align with your goals.

7. Roll With It

Don’t resist change. Welcome it with open arms. It doesn’t have to be a bad thing. All successful businesses know how to embrace and adapt to change. The customer’s needs always come first, constantly changing those needs. Things are bound to go wrong in any new venture. The key is learning from your mistakes, rolling with the punches, and adjusting to new markets.

8. Establish Solid Support

Building a support system is essential to your success as a small-business owner. Women are constantly doubted when they start small businesses and face more challenges than men. Knowing that there are people in your corner can make all the difference. Women are becoming increasingly successful as business owners because they are passionate and self-motivated.

Keep Going

Starting a business is tricky and highly time-consuming. Be persistent and don’t give up no matter what. Start by setting some goals and working hard to achieve them. You’ll get there if you keep at it. You just have to keep going.