1000 New Leads in 100 Days?

How do you create a lead magnet?

Is it possible to get 1000 new leads in 100 days? Absolutely... and then some!


Your email marketing list is one of the most powerful and important assets of your business.


Why? Because the people on that list...

  • Are actually interested in what you're selling!

  • Are opting in to hear more from you!

  • And they are far more likely to convert to sales (vs. cold leads)!


Investing the time & energy to grow your list is a true investment in the growth of your business.


So here’s exactly how we’d grow our list by 1000 new subscribers in the next 100 days!


Promote Sign-Ups for Your List with Exclusive Content

Naturally if you want people to subscribe to your newsletter, you have to invite them! So that’s step #1. Make it a priority to invite people to join your list every single week using every marketing platform you use. Additionally, subscribers love knowing they're getting something special. Encourage them to sign-up by teasing exclusive content that you send only to subscribers!


Make Them A Tasty Offer

Everyone loves a deal and offers for promotions & discounts go a long way in enticing people to join your list. Just think about how many websites offer a 20% coupon for your 1st order if you subscribe to their list. The reason you see this strategy everywhere is because it works! So consider offering a % off, $ off, or a free consultation in exchange for their email. 


Host a Webinar That Knocks Their Socks Off

Lure your ideal client in with a value-packed workshop! Webinars are a wonderful tool for attracting the perfect clients and building your credibility and authority in the field. Make sure you’re using a webinar tool, like Crowdcast, that captures email addresses vs. hosting it on Facebook Live.


Giveaway Something Extra Special

Contests & giveaways can get a lot of entries (aka subscribers) fast! But the key here is you have to target the giveaway directly to your ideal client. A bad example is an Amazon Gift Card. Everyone will want to win it, so you’ll end up attracting lots of NON-ideal clients. Instead, give away something that is super targeted to your ideal client and it’s even better if it’s something you actually sell, so you can offer it for purchase (at a discount) for the non-winners!


Entice Them In with an Awesome Lead Magnet

By far and away this is our favorite strategy! Think of a lead magnet like an irresistible, value-packed freebie that your ideal client will be dying to get her hands on. By giving away something of value upfront, you start to immediately foster the relationship and build your credibility. The best part is that once you've landed on a lead magnet that works, you can use it over and over...meaning you work less, and keep bringing in the leads!


Now here’s the kicker…


Capturing their email is just the beginning! These leads are still pretty cold and it’s going to take some time to develop the relationship. 


This is where an email nurture series can really come in handy! A nurture series is sequence of emails that continue to deliver value, while helping the relationship with this potential new buyer. And the great part is, you can fully automate these emails to deliver 24/7/365 to your new leads.


Would you like to get 1000 new leads in the next 100 days? 


If so, a lead magnet should absolutely be part of your strategy! And if you need some help in that department, we’ve got you covered with the Capture + Convert Course!


Not only will you learn how to ATTRACT your ideal clients with a lead magnet, but you'll also learn how to create an awesome NURTURE series that helps turn your new leads into future paying CUSTOMERS!


And the best part is the course is ONLY $37. Yep, you read that right.


There has never been a better time than now to focus on cultivating new clients. The success of your business ultimately depends on it!


You ready to start growing your list?


Here's just a sneak peek at everything you'll get when you buy the course for just $37!



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