Hatch Tribe

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Meet the Tribe - Stefani Zimmerman Drake

Each week we bring you the story of one incredible entrepreneur who can be found inside the Hatch Tribe Members Circle. Today we're excited to introduce you to Stefani Zimmerman Drake from Drake Strategies. She is one of the amazing entrepreneurs you'll find inside the Hatch Tribe Members Circle.

photo from Stefani Zimmerman Drak

Are you more of an introvert or extrovert? Introvert.

Are you more of an Early Bird or Night Owl? Early Bird.

What is the 1st thing you do when you wake up? Make coffee.

What are you reading now? Monsoon Mansion by Cinelle Barnes.

What is your favorite podcast or YouTube channel? Gary Vee's YouTube Channel.

Favorite place to get away from it ALL? Portugal.

If you could get 1 extra hour today, how would you use it? Reading.

What is your favorite food? Pizza.

Complete this sentence. I'm on a mission to… empower nonprofits to tell their story.


How did your awesome business come to be?

I moved from DC to Charleston and literally applied for 100 jobs and received 0 interviews. I started freelancing to make an income and networking with my friends and former colleagues, and my business grew from there.

Who inspired you to pursue entrepreneurship?

My husband, Joshua Drake, a photojournalist + entrepreneur himself.

Have you ever had a mentor? If so, how did they help you?

Yes! I worked in politics for most of my career and I had another career campaign staffer mentor me. She always was thinking of ways for me to get more experience and referring me to other people. It is because of her I believe in empowering other women and lifting them up, no matter where you are on your personal journey. She did so much for my career and I believe that connecting other people and empowering them is one of the most important things I can do, regardless of where I am in my journey.

How do you define success for yourself?

Happiness. Whether that's owning the season of life I'm in and resting, or hustling and lining up more clients, I think that the truest version of success of being happy. Sometimes that means I need to pull back and sometimes that means I need to push forward.

We all love failure & flop stories! Tell us about something you tried in business that didn't work, and how you moved beyond it.

Agreeing to do people's social media for them. Oh man, I'm 36 so my idea of a good social media feed is completely different than a cool 20 something. I'm much better suited at strategy than being someone's day to day voice online.

What is a recent success that you're super proud of accomplishing?

I just spoke at Yale University for their Global Health and Innovation Conference, on the connection between data and storytelling. I had ALL the butterflies but crushed it and made great connections with people that I deeply respect.

What is your superpower?


What is the least sexy part of your job?


What do you hope to learn from this community of your peers (ie. Hatch Tribe Members Circle)?

I'm committed to lifelong learning and I'm so excited about this community of peers because everyone is so uniquely talented and gifted, that I know I'll learn something from everyone.



To connect with Stefani Zimmerman Drake directly join us INSIDE THE TRIBE! Become a member today at www.hatchtribe.com/memberscircle.

She can also be found on her Website and Instagram.