What Trade-Offs Is Your Business Causing?

What trade-offs is your business causing?

I come to you today with a heartfelt question.

What trade-offs is your business causing you to make?

As entrepreneurs we are prone to putting our businesses first. We put in sooooo many hours trying to make our businesses successful, and it often comes as a real cost.

  • We skip hangouts with friends... even though you miss them terribly.

  • We skip the vacation... or truly fail to unplug if we do go.

  • We think about work when we're with our family...and feel guilty about it.

  • We think about family when we're at work...and feel guilty about that too.

  • We rush everything... rushing to get X done to get to Y. 

  • And we're constantly thinking about work...even when you really wish you weren't. 

Sound familiar?

These are the trade-offs so many business owners make UNCONSCIOUSLY.

It's possible you don't even think you have a choice in the matter. You may believe this is what it means to be a business owner and these are the SACRIFICES you must make in order to be successsful.

But is that true?


Do you think God/Source/Spirit put you on Earth to just work your ass off and suffer in other parts of your life?

I don't think so.

As Westerners we're prone to putting work on a pedestal. But let's get real clear about something.

Your business isn't going to be sitting with you on your deathbed.

Mastermind for Women Business Owners

Hopefully it doesn't take you that long to figure this lesson out.

Your LIFE is happening right now. And your business is just a SMALL PART of that existence. 

YES, even for all of us entrepreneurs who have grand visions for our businesses...

It's just a SMALL PART of your human existence.

It's time to "right size" your business and stop making UNCONSCIOUS trade-offs that lead to a life that's not all that joyful.

Are you ready to make that shift?

Then get your name on the waitlist for the CEO Sanctuary Mastermind.

Our mastermind program is designed for women entrepreneurs who desire a joy-filled life & a deeply fulfilling business. BOTH. AND.

You CAN have both.

Join me and I'll help you make that shift.


Pivots, Endings, And New Beginnings


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