How to Set Values for Your Business and Personal Life

If you want to make great decisions in your life and business, one of the best things you can do is to set personal and business values.

Values are essential for any business because they help guide how you and your team interact with customers, employees, and the community. They also create a sense of purpose and direction for everyone involved in the company, whether you're a team of two or two hundred.

But before you can start setting personal and business values, it's important to understand why having them is so important.

The Importance of Setting Values

Values are important because they act as guiding principles. They help inform good decision-making by providing direction when faced with difficult choices or tough situations, which every entrepreneur will inevitably face from time to time. They also provide a sense of consistency across different areas in your company such as customer service, employee relations, marketing strategies, and more.

Having values helps ensure that everyone is on the same page when it comes to making decisions and taking action. This helps to maintain a consistent brand image and reputation within your industry and market.

Another important reason to formalize your values is that they motivate employees to work towards common goals that truly align with the company’s mission statement. This can increase morale internally, and help build customer loyalty since customers know what kind of experience they can expect from your business because its core values are extremely clear.

As an entrepreneur, setting clear personal and business values helps you stay on track while working towards achieving your goals and inspiring others to do their best work too!

How To Set Values For Your Business & Personal Life

Step #1: Setting personal and business values start with self-reflection – ask yourself questions such as “what do I stand for?” or “what matters most to me?”

Step #2: From there, begin writing down words or phrases that come to mind when thinking about what you want to achieve in your life or career.

Step #3: Once you have some ideas written down, group similar words together. You'll often find there are common themes that fall into categories like family/friends, work/career, health/wellness, etc.

Step #4: Look at each group separately and start narrowing down which ones are most important to you or your business specifically. You should aim for about 5-10 core values per category that represent what matters most to you personally and your business professionally.

Step #5: After you narrow down your values to a short list of 5-10 words, ask yourself "why does this value matter to me?" and "what does it look like if I act in alignment with this value?" This can be a helpful tool for guiding great decisions in your life and business moving forward.


Having clearly defined personal and business values is essential for any entrepreneur looking to succeed both professionally and personally. By reflecting on what matters most in life and developing core values around those topics, entrepreneurs can ensure they stay focused on their goals while helping motivate others too!

Not sure where to start? Click here to grab our Core Values Workbook with a guided tutorial!


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