A Love Letter to My Fellow CEOs

In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, this is my love letter to YOU.

You see, I know just how thankless the job of CEO can be.

When you’re sitting at the top, you don’t have a boss to encourage you and tell you what a great job you’re doing!

More often than not, you’re the one on the receiving end of “grievances” from employees, vendors, and (occasionally) clients.

You see & hear all the problems, and sometimes that’s pretty darn discouraging.

So today, I want to remind you of this…

You are a courageous soul of a human who took the leap of faith to start this business.

You’ve continued to show up for your business each & every day.

Even when it was hard. Even when you were scared. Even when you questioned if you could.

You are doing a great job. And I don’t have to know you personally to know that.


Because the entire journey of owning a business is evolutionary. And that's true for everyone.

Every day that you step into your business is an opportunity to learn. Sure, the wins are amazing, but it’s the rough stuff that really shapes us.

The mistakes…the flops… the failures… that’s the stuff real business dreams are made of.

They teach us. They sharpen us. They empower us to become who we are capable of being.

You, my fellow courageous soul, are continually evolving and growing into the CEO you are meant to be.

So keep going.

Keep bringing your gift to the world.

Keep facing the challenges head on and trust that you will find your way.

Because you will.

Oh, and just in case no one told you today…

You are doing a great job!


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