Got Goals? They Better Be Written Down

Imagine you’re on an airplane that’s traveling from Los Angeles to New York.

Somewhere along the way the plane gets just a little bit off course…just 1 degree off of its original plan.

Will the plane still land in New York?

Hmmmm, nope. Instead of landing in New York you wind up in Atlantic City, New Jersey. And while that might be a very fine, awesome city, it’s NOT where you intended to go.

The same thing happens in business.

When you don’t set a clear direction for where you’re going and how to get there, you might wind up in an “unintended destination”.

“Unintended Destinations” in business often look like…

  • Making less money than you want

  • Working harder than you’d like

  • Working with clients you don’t like

  • Feeling overwhelmed and burnt the F out

  • Not wanting to “do” your business anymore, or my personal favorite…

  • Wanting to burn your business to the ground

The reason entrepreneurs often wind up in these less than desirable situations is because they’re failing to see the connection between TODAY and where they want to be in the FUTURE.

Every day you are making investment decisions in your business. You invest…

  • Your Time

  • Your Energy

  • Your Money

  • Your Resources

  • Your People-Power

And those daily (even hourly) investments add up to the “destination” in your business.

It’s why you’re sitting where you are right now. It’s also why you’ll either reach your “intended destination” or not in your business.

Setting goals is mission-critical in business. I’m talking about written goals that formalize what you want and how you’re going to get there. It’s about setting direction and thinking through how you achieve them so you can make intelligent and informed investment decisions in your business!

I’m excited to release our Business Goal Setting Templates to help you do just that!

The Business Goal Setting Template is a one-stop spot for formalizing the goals for your business, complete with 18 fully editable sheets & a video tutorial.

  • Business Goal Setting Timeline - We’ll show you exactly what to do and when! This takes the guesswork out of the goal setting process and makes it easy to complete. This template also includes a tracker to monitor your progress as you move through the year.

  • Annual Goals - This template will help you build a yearly projection for your business that includes financial targets and high-level focus areas, including Revenue Generation, Operations, People, and Leadership.

  • Quarterly Goals - These templates will help you make your annual goals more actionable. You’ll learn how to prioritize your goals so you’re investing your time, energy & resources to meet the financial targets of your business.

  • Monthly Goals - These templates help you prioritize & break down your goals even further into bite-size manageable goals each month.

You’ll get the “plug & play” templates and a video tutorial to guide you through the entire time!

And the best part…

It’s ONLY $47

Buy it once and use it forever in your business


A Love Letter to My Fellow CEOs


Book Reco: Die with Zero - Must Read for Entrepreneurs!