3 Things You Can Change In Your Business

3 Things You Can Change In Your Business

Have you ever felt “stuck” in your business?

If so, you’re not alone.

It’s not uncommon to feel trapped inside your business, especially when things aren’t going your way and you can’t really see your way to the other side.

That said, let me remind you of this beautiful thing…

You CREATED your business. And you have the power to RE-CREATE it at any time.

You are not the victim of your business. 

Don’t like it. Change it. It’s truly within your power.

So today I’m going to share 3 (often frustrating) things that you truly do have the power to change!

3 Things You Can Change In Your Business

The hours you work

Change the hours you work

Believe it or not, you do NOT have to work the “standard” workweek.

The Monday through Friday, 9am - 5pm, 40 hour workweek was born in the early 1900’s, back in the era of cotton mills and Henry Ford.

And while this 40-hour work week is commonplace for “corporate employees”, many business owners work well beyond those 40 hours. Early mornings and late nights. And work that often creeps into the weekends.

But here’s what you need to hear.

The hours you work are a choice. The hours of your business are a choice.

I once interviewed a business owner in England who chose to shut down her marketing agency every year for 1 month during summer. Why? Because she wanted to be able to take her family on big summer vacations, and she also wanted to give her entire team a legit break.

How cool is that?!

So it’s time to give yourself permission to CREATE the schedule that works for you and go with it!

PS. This is a practice in good communication & boundaries with clients. By and large if you deliver on your commitments to clients, they are AOK with whatever schedule you work!

The clients you work with

change the clients you work with

There’s a saying that goes…

Not all clients are good clients. Not all money is good money.

After 13 years of business ownership, I can attest to the truth of this statement and I expect you can too!

Some clients are just terrible to work with. They may be overly demanding and unreasonable. They may blow up your phone and email at all hours. They may have unrealistic expectations. And some clients are just plain jerks.

When you’re working with a bad client it can really affect your love & joy for your work, no matter how much money they’re paying you.

So the question you have to ask yourself is WHY do you continue to work with this client?

More often than not it’s because of a fear of money! You may be afraid that if you let go of this client you might not land another one to replace that income. Sound familiar?

A scarcity mindset will keep you clinging to bad clients, instead of setting them free and creating space for new, amazing clients to show up!

PS. Ask yourself this question. Would you enjoy your business so much more without this client? If the answer is YES, it’s time to start finding new clients!

The things you work on

3 Things You Can Change in Your Business

Now here’s another fun realization.

If you don’t like what you’re doing anymore, you don’t have to do it.


You can re-create your role at any point in time! And there are lots of ways to do it!

  • You can hire & delegate the work you dislike to someone else.

  • You can outsource the work you dislike to someone else.

  • You can stop offering services that you don’t like offering, and shift your focus towards the things you do enjoy!

  • You can leave your business altogether and go on to start something else.

I have literally done all of these MANY times over. Why? Because I want to enjoy my business AND my life.

If you’re not loving your work and how it makes you feel, why on Earth would you keep doing it?

PS. Pay attention to the call in your heart. If your desires are shifting, listen. That message is there for a reason.

Want to make some changes in your business?

I can help you! This is what I help my clients do as a business growth coach.

The first step is to book a Business Coaching Clarity Call. We’ll talk about your business, what changes you hope to make, and I’ll share insights with you to help you confidently move forward!

Book your session at the link below!

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