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Book Reco: Die with Zero - Must Read for Entrepreneurs!

I have a personal mantra of ABL… Always Be Learning!

One of my favorite ways to learn is by reading. I love a good old fashioned hardcover or paperback book, and I’ve usually got a stack of 4 or 5 that I’m reading concurrently.

One of my latest reads is “Die with Zero” by Bill Perkins.

While the name of the book is certainly captivating, it’s what’s inside that’s really caught my attention.

This book is a MUST read for all entrepreneurs & business owners, and even more so if you’re a parent to little humans.

This book brazenly tackles the topic of money, and specifically the role it plays in true enjoyment and fulfillment in life. 

As business owners we often put in long, extensive hours building our businesses with an “understanding” that one day all this hard work is going to pay off. We trade our time & energy now so we can generate more & more money to enjoy later. Sound familiar?

So this is the question…

Is money really the source of fulfillment?

Or does true fulfillment and joy come from something else?

I won’t spoil the book for you. I’ll just encourage you to read it, and if you do…let me know how it lands with you.

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