Hatch Tribe

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How to celebrate when you feel like you have nothing to celebrate.

We all have those times where we feel defeated. You didn’t land the client. You made the wrong decision. You forgot to hit save on the presentation. Sometimes we focus so much on the things that go wrong, we forget all of the ones that went right.

So I like to share this shift in perspective that will forever change how you view your work:

If you get up and actually work on your business today, it's a win.

Why's that?

Because the road to success is paved with thousands of tiny little un-sexy, mundane, and boring steps. It's not just leapfrogging from one giant big F'in win to the next (though that would be so nice)!

The WIN is in doing the work. 

It's when you make a sales call. It's when you create a Facebook ad. It's when you craft a newsletter. It's when you publish a blog. It's when you make a decision. It's when you say YES. It's when you say NO. It's when you make a new connection. It's when you phone a fellow biz buddy for advice. It's when you ask for help. It's when you sit down for 30 minutes to organize your desk. It's when you answer an important email.

This is how you reach your dreams. These are the "ingredients" that build wildly successful entrepreneurs & businesses.

What you focus on expands.

Want to feel like a piece of shit? Sit around and ruminate on all the things you screwed up and didn't do.

Want to feel like a badass boss? Express gratitude & celebrate the little victories along the way, no matter the size.

Focus on the goodness in your everyday life, and I guarantee you'll experience more of it.

I can't wait to see what weird, awesome, strange, tiny, mundane crap you celebrate this Friday in the Members Circle!

Hilary Johnson is on a mission to help women entrepreneurs develop powerful, profitable and sustainable businesses. As a serial entrepreneur and business coach herself, she recognized the need firsthand for true community, support, and education. This led her to create Hatch Tribe, an organization devoted to cultivating and connecting women entrepreneurs across the world. She is the host of the “Art of Doing Podcast” and author of "A Girls Guide to Surviving the Startup with Your Mind, Body, and Soul Intact", an encouraging read that imparts road-tested wisdom for tackling the inner and outer work of being the boss. When she’s not working you’ll find her traveling the world with a single carry-on bag. Her favorite quote & mantra is “Live Loud. Eat Well. Travel Often”.