Events, Goals Enid Brenize Events, Goals Enid Brenize

A Mid-Year Goal Refresh

This June in Charleston, South Carolina, a room full of powerful female entrepreneurs from a wide range of businesses and industries sat down together to set goals for the rest of the year. How are they coming on their goals? We checked in to find out!

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Inspired Action Enid Brenize Inspired Action Enid Brenize

Celebrating Our Tribe!

If there’s one thing we love here at Hatch Tribe it’s celebrating wins...and coffee. We LOVE to celebrate wins! Often times they’re hard-fought, and sometimes we wish we’d learned our lessons more gracefully. But that is what this community is here for—supporting each other through sticky situations, elevating each other with knowledge and encouragement, and celebrating together when the big win comes.

So, here’s to 2018 and #winning!

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Enid Brenize Enid Brenize

Best Holiday Gifts for Entrepreneurs

Drawing a blank when it comes to gifts for your ladyboss friends or collaborators? You want your gift for that entrepreneur friend to be amazing! To help you (and ourselves) out, we put this question to our Hatch Tribe and the rocking biz ladies inside Members Circle: What is the best holiday gift to give a fellow entrepreneur? Here’s our non-comprehensive but totally baller list of presents that we would love to give (or get!), complete with links to make your holiday shopping a little easier.

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Book Club Hilary Johnson Book Club Hilary Johnson

52 Books for Female Entrepreneurs — Free Download

​​​​​​​If you’re looking for new insights to apply to your life & business to help you grow, look no further. We’re bringing you our list of the top 52 books (yes, that’s one for every week) that every successful woman entrepreneur should have on her bookshelf (or iPad)!

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