52 Books for Female Entrepreneurs — Free Download


​​​​​​​Do you know how many books the average person reads each year?

If you guessed two to three, you're right.

Now consider the average CEO (as if there's anything average about being a CEO)! How many books does she read each year?​​​​​​​

According to Fast Company, the average CEO reads approximately 60 books per year, which means she's cranking through four to five books per month!

There are a lot of factors that separate the dreamers from the doers, the mediocre from the mindblowing, and the mildly successful from the wildly successful. And hands down one of those factors is your desire to learn.

​​​​​​​If you’re looking for new insights to apply to your life & business to help you grow, look no further. We’re bringing you our list of the best 52 books (yes, that’s one for every week) that every successful woman entrepreneur should have on her bookshelf (or iPad)!

​We curated this list by asking our TRIBE to share their favorite reads for entrepreneurs. These books present a diverse array of thought, perspective, and topics because it takes a wealth of knowledge to build a body of work.

Click here to get the list & dig in, boss!



Hatch Tribe Founder & Entrepreneur Coach


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