Free Book Giveaway! "A Girls Guide to Surviving the Startup"

Let us add a free book to your reading list!

According to Fast Company, the average CEO reads approximately 60 books per year, which means she's cranking through four to five books per month!

There are a lot of factors that separate the dreamers from the doers, the mediocre from the mind-blowing, and the mildly successful from the wildly successful. And hands down one of those factors is your desire to learn.

And today we want to add a book to your reading list for FREE!

Get a digital download of “A Girls Guide to Surviving the Startup” written by Hatch Tribe Founder, Hilary Johnson. It’s loaded with no-nonsense advice for navigating the inevitable highs and lows that come with running a badass business.

Click here to get your FREE copy delivered straight to your inbox today.


Favorite Inspirational Quotes from the Female Entrepreneurs of Hatch Tribe


Meet the Tribe - Stephanie McDonald