Goal Setting for Entrepreneurs & Business Owners

“Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible.” ~ Tony Robbins

Goal setting is an important part of any business. It sets direction and helps identify what will ultimately get your time, energy & resources.

Want to increase the likelihood of actually reaching your goals?

Then it’s critically important that you’re not just putting arbitrary, meaningless goals down on paper.

Sure, you might want to make $100,000 per year, but can you articulate why?

Sure, you might want to grow your Instagram fans to 10,000, but can you articulate why?

Sure, you might want to launch a podcast, but can you articulate why?

The “why” is critically important because it underscores the inner motivation and drive that will help you reach your goals.

And here’s the kicker…

You need to feel that WHY in your heart. Not just in your head.

Intellectual, brain-driven goals are ok. But deeply connected, heart-driven goals are a whole other ballgame. They are the goals that dreams are really made of.

Check out our FREE 4-Part Goal Setting Mini-Workshop that will help you create powerful goals for your business…that you’ll actually achieve!


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