How to Boost Your Confidence Before a Big Meeting

How to Boost Your Confidence Before a Big Meeting

Confidence is often a journey, not a destination. When you are preparing for a big meeting at work, there are probably a couple of things that you might be stressing over. But it’s important not to fear, as your anxiety might stand in the way of giving it your all. Here are some ways you can give yourself a little boost in confidence before a big meeting at work.

1. Use Positive Affirmations

Even though positive affirmations tend to take time to sink in deep, practicing them in a pinch can be extremely helpful. Repeating a couple of positive affirmations right before you go into a big meeting can give you the boost of confidence you need without making you think too hard about it.

2. Stay Hydrated and Nourished

This tip might seem a little bit unrelated at first, but it actually does make a very important impact on your ability to perform in meetings and stay focused. By making sure that you eat enough and drink enough water before you get started on something important, you will have the energy required to do a great job. Feeling physically good can help you feel ready to take on anything. 

3. Get Enough Sleep

Just like the tip above, getting enough sleep can help make you feel prepared and alert for your big meeting. Making this change in your life means you can devote the necessary energy to performing well and ensuring you’re not forgetting anything.

4. Freshen Up

One of the best ways to feel confident when going into any situation is to freshen up and make sure you’re ready for the spotlight. Do any primping that you might need to do before you step into the meeting so you can feel like your very best self. Try brushing your teeth, putting on any makeup you might need to apply, and fixing any flyaways in your hair. While this might seem frivolous, it will keep you from worrying about whether your breath smells or your hair is sticking up while you’re presenting. 

5. Dress for Success

Before you even leave the house in the morning, one of the best things you can do to kick off your day right is dressing for success. Put on an outfit that makes you feel truly confident, and you can rock it all the way to success.

6. Face Your Fears

One of the best ways to build confidence is to face the situation head-on and don’t look back. Although this might be easier said than done, simply putting yourself out there can often be the easiest thing you can do. Once you get into it, you’ll see just how simple it is to portray confidence and self-assurance.

7. Get Better Every Time

Lastly, you must always learn from your experiences and use them as tools to improve in the future. If you want to feel confident in your abilities, you can develop that by committing to consistently improving over time. You can even get this started before the meeting itself by practicing before you go in and asking for positive feedback from trusted peers once you finish up.

Building Your Professional Confidence

There are so many incredible ways to build up your confidence, no matter how nervous you might be. You have the job you have for a reason, and even if it can be difficult to believe in yourself from time to time, you can use positive affirmations and techniques to feel like your best self and remember how truly capable you are. 

Cora Gold has spent over five years writing about life, home, family and more to provide inspiration and motivation to other women who share her passions. She is the Editor-in-Chief for lifestyle magazineRevivalist, and she can be found onFacebook,Twitter andPinterest.


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