How to Aim for Success Without Becoming a Workaholic

How to Aim for Success Without Becoming a Workaholic

When you talk about yourself as a “career-driven” woman, some people might think of you as a workaholic. There’s no doubt about the fact that your life is your work. And caring for anything outside the four walls of your office might almost be entirely nonexistent.

While there is no problem having a fulfilling job, burnout is real and has every chance of creeping into your life. When you have those consistent moments of forgetting to eat dinner because you’re constantly checking your inbox, you know it’s time to make a change.

You have ways to be fully driven without letting work take over every aspect of your life. So, here are a few tactics to achieve a balance and avoid overload.

1. Determine Your Priorities

When you’re constantly hustling to get where you want to be in your career, your lack of progression is no choice. However, some people start to notice how absorbed they are in their work. For instance, spending time in front of the computer always comes first for you.

Most likely, it’s easy for you to fall down the rabbit hole, forgetting about personal projects that you’ve left behind.

Instead of letting this happen to you, consider writing down the things that truly matter to you. This could be spending time with friends, DIYing your home office to make it more functional, or paying closer attention to your health.

Once it becomes clear, you can finally make time for those things requiring your time and energy.

2. Make Time to Relax

If you’re a woman who sticks to her planner, why not schedule some downtime? Writing down your favorite activities in your schedule can force you to act on them. In turn, you’re confirming that you’ll make time for yourself instead of hoping you’ll get to those things later.

For instance, you set your work schedule and abide by it no matter what. You can do the same with your personal tasks and stick to them so you can enjoy a healthy work-life balance.

3. Know When to Unplug

Ever find yourself at a restaurant with family while absorbed in your phone? When someone like your husband interrupts your screen time, wanting your attention, it’s time to look hard at some of your choices.

Sure, technology gives us the convenience of immediate satisfaction. However, it also makes it much more difficult to disconnect from work.

The best way to unplug from your device is to set a time to step away from the screen. For instance, putting your devices away after 8 p.m. is a standard practice you could arrange for yourself. Furthermore, being aware of when and where screentime is appropriate is another thing to recognize as well.

4. Celebrate Your Successes

For the career-driven woman that you are, you’re most likely to focus on one end goal. This could be a new promotion, getting a dream job, or completing a big project.

Whatever that goal is, sometimes you can get so relentlessly focused on reaching the finish line that you don’t notice your accomplishments along the way. In fact, some workaholics tend to constantly live in a state of work-life conflict, causing a lack of motivation in their careers.

To avoid burnout, be sure to celebrate those successes, whether big or small. Patting yourself on the back is the surefire way of keeping that motivation going until the end.

Making a Difference in Your Life

Remember, you can still be successful and driven without becoming a workaholic. By doing so, you’ll avoid burnout and achieve a healthy work-life balance. You might love your job, but you can quickly wear yourself thin if you don’t make time for yourself. Be sure to put these strategies to good use so you can live the life you desire.


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