Are you ready to make 2018 your best year yet?

Happy New Year, Hatch Tribe!

There’s something magical about the New Year. It’s as though the possibilities are endless.

We daydream of how this year will be even better than the last. We picture doing all those things that will make us happy and healthy. We imagine ourselves crushing all our goals and having an abundantly profitable year.

Am I right?

Yet often within just a matter of days, we fall back into old habits, routines, and patterns that really don’t serve us.

So it’s in this spirit that we’re hosting the Jumpstart Your Year Challenge, a completely FREE 10-Day experience, designed to bring focus and excitement to your business in the New Year.

photo by Brooke Lark

photo by Brooke Lark

How you choose to start the year sets the tone for what follows, and we want to kick this year off right! We’ll be exploring challenges focused on your community, goals, online presence, mindset, development, and more.

The challenges are created for entrepreneurs just like you. They’re tried and true. They’re the things that can have a big impact in your business and life, if only you put them in play!

Every morning you’ll receive the Daily Challenge via email with your activity for the day and a short video from me! The challenges are bite sized and can easily be accomplished each day.


Throughout the challenge you’ll be encouraged to join us in our private Facebook Community to check in and let us know how the challenge is going. It’s our way of bringing you an extra dose of accountability and celebrating your accomplishments each day. Because as Oprah says, “The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.” We couldn’t agree more!

The Jumpstart Your Year Challenge begins on Tuesday, January 9th.

Ready to jump in? Click here to sign up and let’s make 2018 our best year yet!





PS. The deadline to sign up is Monday, January 8th, so do not wait!!!


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